A "Perfect Match" - Hapag-Lloyd Foundation Supports "Deutschlandstipendium" at KLU

Honoring outstanding achievements, promoting young talent, supporting science and research: The aims of the Hapag-Lloyd Foundation fit perfectly with the unique funding model of the Deutschlandstipend…

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Sparking New Friendships and a Passion for Sustainability: Successful Summer School …

Once again, a great success: This year’s KLU Summer School Sustainability provides students three weeks full of exciting insights and new experiences and friendships.

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Logistics Podcast: Das Gleiche in Grün?! Season 3

After a slightly longer-than-planned summer break, the two sustainability attachés and podcast offsprings, Moritz and Timo, h…

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KLU Takes 3rd Place in the 21st Alster President’s Cup of Hamburg Universities

Eight Hamburg universities sailed on the Alster on July 5th for the prestigious President's Cup. The university regatta at th…

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Cultivating better leadership with Texl - a free, scientific evidence-based 360-degr…

Frustrated by the multitude of scientifically invalid assessments flooding the market, a group of scientists from KLU (Kühne …

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New study shows why direct sales are gaining ground on multi-brand shops in the fiel…

Do brands stand a chance of eroding the dominance of giants like Amazon, Otto & Co. with their own online shops? A study rece…

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Brooke Gazdag: Inclusion, Innovation, Impact

KLU’s new Academic Director of Executive Education at KLU, Professor Brooke Gazdag, is a richly experienced and innovative ed…

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KLU students secure 3rd place at 4flow Challenge Europe 2024

In an impressive display of skill and innovation, students from KLU secured third place at the 4flow Challenge Europe 2024. T…

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Student turned Professor: Alumni Interview with Prof. Arne Heinold

KLU’s appointment of Arne Heinold as its new Assistant Professor for Transportation marks a special milestone. A graduate of …

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From KLU to CEO: Alumni Interview with Victoria Herzog

Master of Supply Chain Management class of 2014 graduate Victoria Herzog’s impressive CV includes time working in procurement…

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KLU Celebrates Milestone Events in Vietnam

Kühne Logistics University (KLU) recently marked a significant milestone in its journey towards establishing a new presence i…

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KLU Vietnam Campus: First cooperation signed with HCMC University of Technology

Successful new milestone on the road to a KLU campus in Vietnam: KLU has signed a cooperation agreement with the Ho Chi Minh …

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Franziska Lauenstein appointed as Assistant Professor of Strategy

Franziska Lauenstein’s appointment as Assistant Professor of Strategy at Kühne Logistics University represents not just a sig…

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KLU welcomes Arne Heinold as Assistant Professor for Transportation

Professor Arne Heinold has come full circle. Ten years after graduating Kühne Logistics University’s Master in Global Logisti…

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Insure Your Journey: A Student's Roadmap to Health Insurance in Germany

So, you’re prepared to start your student journey, but you’ve realized that you need to apply for health insurance. If you fo…

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KLU welcomes Brooke Gazdag as Associate Professor of Management

KLU’s new Associate Professor of Management Brooke A. Gazdag arrives with a wealth of expertise on leadership, negotiations, …

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The right tools for the next crisis: KRITIS project launched at KLU

KLU is proud to be part of KRITIS ENV, a research project funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) wit…

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