Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich


Associate Professor of Freight Transportation - Modelling and Policy

Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich


Associate Professor of Freight Transportation - Modelling and Policy

Selected Presentations

  • Hanno Friedrich (2024):Using logistics data for food safety and food security analysis, International Conference: "Global commodity chains from a risk assessment perspective", 27 May 2024, Berlin, Germany.
  • Hanno Friedrich (2023): Start-ups and platforms in logistics and supply chain management – the development of software ecosystems, 4flow Logistics Day Munich, 7 July 2023, Munich, Germany.
  • Hanno Friedrich (2023): Analysis of the German intermodal rail freight market in the European context; International Scientific Symposium on Logistics, BLV International Scientific Symposium on Logistics, 19-20 June 2023, Dresden-Neustadt, Germany.
  • Julian Zarrath, Hanno Friedrich (2021): Review of a Supply Chain Performance Measurement System: a Case Study, 5th ICPLT, Virtual Conference 
  • Horn, Abigail, Hanno Friedrich and Kayla de la Haye (2019): Integrating human mobility data and network models of the food supply to trace foodborne disease outbreak, presentation and reviewed abstract at the 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science IC2S2, July 17-20, 2019, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Klotz, Mitch and Hanno Friedrich (2019): An empirical investigation of electric vehicle user charging patterns and charging station utilization in the city of Berlin, presentation and reviewed paper at the World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2019, 26-31 May 2019, Mumbai, India.
  • Transchel, Sandra, Ole Hansen, Hanno Friedrich (2019): Inventory Control of Perishables under Lead Time Uncertainty and Service Level Constraints, poster presented at the 4th Meeting of the EURO Group on Retail Operations, Mallorca, Spain.
  • Reimers, Tim, Dr. Steffi Rudel, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lechner, Manfred Hofmeier, Thorsten Wilhelmi, Dr. Christian Fikar, Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Buchner, Dr. Karsten Sohr, Mehmet Kus, Rolf Blunk, Dr. Michael Schuster, Philipp Bensch, Torsten Bollen, Dr. Volker Krummel, Dr. Dinh Khoi Le, Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich, Sarah Joseph, Thomas Furtner, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Patrick Hirsch, Magdalena Leithner, Dr. Kilian Semmelmann, Dr. Christina Weber, Sven Müller, Dr. Johanna Brändle, Dr. Konrad Domig, Johannes Göllner, Dr. Heimo Laßnig, Dr. Mario Springnagel, Dr. Jan Zazgornik (2019): Absicherung von Wertschöpfungsketten in der Lebensmittelproduktion und -logistik mittels Distributed-Ledger-Technologie: Das Forschungsdesign, presentation and paper, 16. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress des BSI 2019, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Mai 2019.
  • Friedrich (2019): Hoping for Innovation in Logistics and Rail Industry to reach the Climate Targets, Presentation at the ermewa conference “Rail Performance for a sustainable logistics”, 11th of April 2019, Hamburg , Germany.
  • McKinnon, A. and Friedrich, H, (2019): Between Illusion and Reality: The Feasibility of the German Climate Agenda in Freight, Presentation and reviewed abstract at the 4th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT) 2019, Dortmund, Germany.
  • Horn, A., Polozova, E., and Friedrich, H. (2018): Identifying the Food and Location Source of Large-Scale Outbreaks of Foodborne Disease, International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci), Paris, June 2018.
  • Horn, A., and Friedrich, H. (2018): Identifying the source of large-scale outbreaks of infectious disease, German Physical Society (DPG) Spring Meeting, Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Division, TU Berlin, Germany, March 2018.
  • Horn, A., Polozova, E., and Friedrich, H. (2017): Source Detection in Networks Weighted by Temporal and Volume Dimensions, NetSci, Contagion on Networks Seminar, Indianapolis, June 2017.
  • Friedrich, Hanno (2017): Startups in Logistics, 6th Lufthansa Air Freight Innovation Forum, 17. May 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Friedrich, Hanno (2017): Freight Transport and Logistics Networks, Guest Lecture at HCU within Project Seminar on Network Theory.  12. May 2017, Hafen City University (HCU), Hamburg, Germany.
  • Friedrich, Hanno (2016): Results of the research project SEAK, Workshop at Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BFR), 24. November 2016, Berlin, Germany.
  • Friedrich, Hanno and Kevin Rolko (2016): Data on Logistics Warehouse Locations in Germany, a Starting Point for a New Approaches in Freight Transport Modeling, ETC, 5.-7. October 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Friedrich, Hanno (2016): Logistics Models and their Approach to Space, Workshop on Microsimulation and Urban Modelling Applications, 26. August 2016, HCU, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Friedrich, Hanno (2016): Forschungsprojekt SEAK – Bewältigung von Versorgungsengpässen in der Lebensmittel‐Supply‐Chain, Zweite Jahreskonferenz Förderschwerpunkt „IT‐Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen“, 20.- 21. June 2016, Bremen, Germany.
  • Friedrich, Hanno (2015): The Railport Case, Guest Lecture at TU Darmstadt within lecture of Prof. Anne Lange, 26. November 2015, Darmstadt Germany.
  • Friedrich, Hanno (2015): Analyzing Risks in Food Supply with Freight Transport Demand and Logistics Models, INFORMS, 01.- 04. November 2015, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Friedrich, H. (2015): “Impuls in Diskussionsforum B – Intelligente Transport- und Lieferketten – ist unser Verkehrssystem in Bezug auf Verkehrs- und digitale Infrastruktur ausreichend gerüstet, um den künftigen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden?" 5. Nationale Konferenz Güterverkehr und Logistik 2015, Magdeburg, Germany. 
  • Balster, A., Friedrich, H. (2015): “Modelling Dynamic Commodity Flows – Using the Example of the German Food Supply Sector“. 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Production Logistics and Traffic 2015, 21.-22. July 2015, Dortmund, Germany.
  • Balster, A., Friedrich, H. (2015): “Modelling Dynamic Commodity Flows – Using the Example of the German Food Supply Sector“. URBE - URban freight and BEhavior change 2015, Rome, 1.-2. October 2015, Rome, Italy.
  • Balster, A., Friedrich, H. (2015): “Modelling Dynamic Commodity Flows – Using the Example of the German Food Supply Sector“. The 12th International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference, 21.-23. September 2015, Bergeggi, Italy.
  • Friedrich, H. (2014): “Forschungsprojekt SEAK – Entscheidungsunterstützung zur Bewältigung von Versorgungsengpässen“, presentation at NiTIM Kolloquium, Universität der Bundeswehr, 15 November 2014, München, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H. (2014): “Risikomanagement bei Unternehmen in der Lebensmittel-Supply-Chain“, presentation at SEAK workshop on “Notfallplanung für Lebensmittelengpässe und Stromausfälle“, 29 October 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H. (2014): “Modelling future changes of freight transport demand“, presentation in Proceedings of “Hanoi International Conference of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (HILS2014)“, 6 October 2014, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Friedrich, H. (2014): “Sicherheit in Warenketten, Verkehrs- und Logistiksystemen“, guest lecture within lecture on “Sichere Kritische Infrastrukturen“, 2 July 2014, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H. (2014): “Vermeidung von Lebensmittelengpässen in Deutschland“, guest lecture within lecture on “Global Challenges“, 01. July 2014, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Hansen, Ole and Hanno Friedrich (2014): Approach for Modelling Food Product Inventory Levels - An Analysis of National Food Product Supply Chains, presentation at 26th Conference of the Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA),  11-13 June 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Balster, Andreas and Hanno Friedrich (2014): Modelling Dynamic Commodity Flows Using the Example of the German Food Supply Sector, presentation at 26th Conference of the Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA), 11-13 June 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Friedrich, H. und Balster, A. (2013): “Nutzung bestehender Daten von BBR und BMVBS zur Analyse von Versorgungsengpassszenarien”, introductory presentation for the workshop with BBR and BMVBS “Referat Z34 - Nationale/internationale Zivile Notfallvorsorge, Gefahrenabwehr, Krisenmanagement, Lagezentrum”, 09 December 2013, Bonn, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H. (2013): “Überlegungen zur Weiterentwicklung von Nachfragemodellen des Wirtschaftsverkehrs”, presentation in a colloquium on commercial transport at the TU Berlin, 26. June 2013, Berlin, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H. (2013): “Projekt SEAK: Entscheidungsunterstützung zur Bewältigung von Versorgungsengpässen”, presentation at the BMBF workshop “Zivile Sicherheit im Warenverkehr”, 19 - 20  June 2013, Berlin, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H. (2013): “Denkanstöße aus der Güterverkehrs- und Logistikforschung”, presentation at McKinsey & Company, 02. May 2013, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H. (2013): “Bericht von der interdisziplinären Konferenz Produktion, Logistik und Verkehr, ICPLT”, presentation at the FGSV AA 1.8 meeting, April 2014, Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H. (2012): “Auswirkungen von Energiepreissteigerungen auf die Handelslogistik – Wissenschaftliche Szenarien”, presentation at the “2. DVWG Verkehrskongress zum Jahresthema 2012: Postfossile urbane Mobilität und Logistik”, 04 - 05  December 2012, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H., Balster, A., Ottemöller, O. (2012): “Supply Chain Risk Analysis with Extended Freight Transportation Models”, presentation at the International Colloquium on Recent Developments in Freight Transport Modeling, 04 - 06 October 2012, Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Friedrich, H. (2012): “Simulation of Logistics Structures in German Food Retailing”, guest lecture at the TU Delft, 20 September 2012, Delft, Netherlands.
  • Friedrich, H. (2012): “Forschungsprojekt SEAK: Entscheidungsunterstützung zur Bewältigung von Versorgungsengpässen”, presentation at the research workshop of the LÜKEX, 3 – 4 May 2012, Bad Breisig, Germany.
  • M. Boltze, H. Friedrich, F. Rühl (2012): “Freight Transportation Demand Management: A Contribution to Urban Traffic Management and Sustainability of Logistics”, presentation at the WCTR – SIG10 workshop. 14 - 16 March 2012, Vienna, Austria.
  • Friedrich, H. und Ottemöller, O. (2012): “Generierung einer synthetischen Wirtschaftslandschaft auf Basis der Kombination öffentlicher Statistiken sowie geographischer und sozialer Daten”, presentation at the “20. Colloquium Theorie und Quantitative Methoden in der Geographie”, 23 - 25 t 2012, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Friedrich, H. (2011): “Modelling Impacts of Disasters on Logistics and Transportation”, presentation at the International Doctoral Seminar, 15 December 2011, Ho-Chi-Minh-City, Vietnam.
  • Friedrich, H. (2011): “Gesteigerte Datenanforderungen durch die zunehmende Abbildung logistischer Aspekte in Güterverkehrsmodellen”, presentation at a workshop of the BMVBS, 19 October 2011, Bonn, Germany.
  • Friedrich (2011): “Gedankenaustausch zum Thema Transportmanagement”, presentation in the “Referat Mobilität und Logistik, Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft Baden-Württemberg”, 14 October 2011, Stuttgart, Deutschland.
  • Mitusch, K., Friedrich, H. und Schulz, C. (2011): “Wetterereignisse und Verkehr”, presentation at the “6. Extrem Wetter Kongress”, 12 - 15 April 2011, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Mitusch, K. und Friedrich, H. (2010): “Ausbruch des Eyjafjallajökull – Wenn die Natur verrückt spielt: Auswirkungen von Naturereignissen auf die Volkswirtschaft und Tourismus-Unternehmen”, presentation at the “20. DRV-Jahrestagung”, 25 - 27 November 2010, Agadir, Morocco.