Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- Kosmas, Vasileios and Michele Acciaro (2015). Bunker levy Schemes for GhG Emissions Reduction in International Shipping, Conference proceedings, Shipping in Changing Climates Conference 2015, Glasgow, UK, 24-26 November.
- Acciaro, Michele, Claudio Ferrari, Jasmine S.L. Lam, Rosario Macario, Athena Roumboutsos, Christa Sys, Alessio Tei, and Thierry Vanelslander (2015). Innovation Processes of Terminal Operators: Insights from an Empirical analysis, Conference Proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-26 August.
- Weickhardt, Michael, and Michele Acciaro (2015). Maritime High-Yield Bonds: An Empirical Investigation, Conference Proceedings, Econship, Chios, Greece, 24-27 June.
- de Korte, Carolina and Michele Acciaro (2015). Crew Safety in Offshore Shipping, Conference Proceedings, Global Port Research Alliance, Hong Kong, 21-22 May.
- Acciaro, Michele (2015). Speed, vessel size and network configuration: Redefining Optimal Liner Shipping Operations, Conference Proceedings, Global Port Research Alliance, Hong Kong, 21-22 May.
- Acciaro, Michele and Alan C. McKinnon (2015). The Economics of Low Carbon Container Shipping, Conference Proceedings, WCTRS Special Interest Group 2 Conference, Antwerp, Netherlands, 11-12 May.
- Claudio, Ferrari, Michele Acciaro, Andrea Bardi, Maria Ines Cusano, Alessio Tei (2015). Contestable port hinterlands: an empirical study, Conference Proceedings,WCTRS Special Interest Group 2 Conference, Antwerp, Netherlands, 11-12 May.
- Acciaro, Michele and Olaf Merk (2015). Improving Mexican Port Supply Chains: A Regulatory and Policy Perspective, Conference Proceedings, WCTRS Special Interest Group 2 Conference, Antwerp, Netherlands, 11-12 May.
- Acciaro, Michele and Daria Gritsenko (2014). Energy innovation in ports: the role of local contexts in LNG bunkering terminal development. Conference proceedings,Presentation at the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 15-18 July.
- Acciaro, Michele and Alan C. McKinnon (2014). Carbon emissions in container shipping: new empirical evidence, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference in Norfolk, Virginia, 15-18 July.
- Acciaro, Michele and Patrizia Serra (2014). European container terminal operation concepts: strategic determinants and policy options, Conference proceedings, 17th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2014), Seville, Spain, 2-4 July.
- Acciaro, Michele (2014). Climate Change Adaptation in the Panama Canal, Conference proceedings, 33rd PIANC World Congress, San Francisco, USA, 1-5 June.
- Acciaro, Michele, Hilda Ghiara, and Maria Inés Cusano (2013). Port authorities as energy managers, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Marseille, France, 3-5 July.
- Acciaro, Michele (2013). A real option approach to investment in greener maritime transport, Conference Proceedings, World Conference of Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 July.
- Acciaro, Michele, Thierry Vanelslander, Christa Sys, Claudio Ferrari, Athena Roumboutsos, Genevieve Giuliano, Jasmine S.L. Lam, and Seraphim Kapros (2013). Environmental sustainability in seaports: a framework for successful innovation, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Marseille, France, 3-5 July.
- Acciaro, Michele, Christos Chryssakis, Magnus, S. Eide, and Øyvind Endresen (2012). Potential CO2 Reduction from Energy Mix Changes in the World Fleet, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 6-8 September.
- Acciaro, Michele (2012). A Real Option Approach to Investment in Low Sulphur Shipping, Conference proceedings, WCTRS-SIG 2 Conference, Key Developments in the Port and Maritime Sector, Antwerp, NL, 21-22 May.
- Mangset, Lars Erik, Michele Acciaro, and Magnus S. Eide (2011). A Global Seaborne Trade Pattern Forecasting Method for Shipping Emission Modelling, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 25-28 October.
- Acciaro, Michele (2011). Pricing in Sustainable Global Supply Chains, European Conference on Shipping, Intermodalism and Ports (ECONSHIP), Chios, Greece, 22-24 June.
- Acciaro, Michele (2010). Hybrid Governance Models for Integrated Ocean Carriers, Conference proceedings, WCTR, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-15 July.
- Acciaro, Michele (2010). Price discrimination in liner shipping: Advance booking and Express Services, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 July.
- Acciaro, Michele (2010). Best value logistics propositions: an application of conjoint analysis to global supply chains, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 July.
- Acciaro, Michele (2009). Container Carriers’ Investment in Dedicated Terminals, Conference proceedings, Port Finance and Investment Conference, Amsterdam, NL, 9-10 June.
- Acciaro, Michele (2008). Private Financing of Container Terminal Infrastructure: A Review of the Major Issues, Conference proceedings. Port Finance and Investment Conference, Amsterdam, NL, 29-30 September.
- Gujar, Girish and Michele Acciaro (2008). Globalization of Services in the Supply Chain: New Chances for Developing Countries, Conference proceedings.International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Dalian, China, 2-4 April.
- Acciaro, Michele (2008). Price Bundling in the Container Industry: What do we Know About it?, Conference proceedings. International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Dalian, China, 2-4 April.
- Acciaro, Michele and Hercules E. Haralambides (2007). Product Bundling in Global Ocean Transportation, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Athens, Greece, 4-6 July.
- Acciaro, Michele (2006). Port Policy in the Baltic States: Strategic issues and Implications for the European Port Policy, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 12-14 July.
- Acciaro, Michele (2006). What Future for Mediterranean Ports?, Conference proceedings, 4th MedTrade Summit, Malta, 6-8 April.
- Acciaro, Michele (2005). The Role of Ports in the Development of Mediterranean Islands: the case of Sardinia, Conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Annual Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 23-25 June.
- Acciaro, Michele (2018), Ports 4.0: The Role of Digitalisation in Ports, University of Manitoba Transport Institute Speakers’ Series, Winnipeg, Canada, 18 April.
- Acciaro, Michele (2015). Gigantismo Navale: Rationale e Limiti, key-note speech at the Federagenti Congress “Il Confine dei Giganti”, Rome, Italy, 16 December.
- Acciaro, Michele (2015). Innovation in the maritime sector: aligning strategy with outcomes, BNPPF Innovation event, Antwerp, Netherlands, 23 April.
- Acciaro, Michele and J. Rod Franklin (2014). Optimal compliance strategies to shipping emission regulation, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 9-12 November.
- Acciaro, Michele (2014). Seaport Efficiency in South East Asia, POMS Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA, 9-12 May.
- Acciaro, Michele and Maria Besiou (2014). Maritime Logistics in Africa: Humanitarian and Development Perspectives, POMS Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA, 9-12 May.
- Acciaro, Michele and Alan C. McKinnon (2013). Efficient hinterland transport infrastructure and services for large container ports, Position paper for the OECD/ITF Round Table Port Investment and Container Shipping Markets, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 7-8 November.
- Acciaro, Michele (2013). What Future for E-Maritime, presentation at the Seminar of the GOR Working group, "Logistics and transport" and "Business Information Systems", Hamburg, Germany, 30 September - 1 October.
- Acciaro, Michele and Cucu Kuswoyo (2013). Container terminal efficiency in South East Asia, XV Conference of the Italian Association of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET) Transport, Spatial Organization and Sustainable Economic Development, Venice, Italy, 18-20 September.
- Acciaro, Michele (2013). Vertical Integration in Liner Shipping: A Transaction Cost Economics Approach, Kuhmo NECTAR Conference: Annual Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association 2013, Northwestern University, USA, 8-12 July.
- Acciaro, Michele (2013). Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Global Supply Chains, position paper at the Green Port South East Asia Conference, Mumbai, India, 20-22 March.
- Acciaro, Michele (2012). The Challenges of Environmental Sustainability in the Port Sector, presentation at the seminar Managing Environmental Performance for Ports and Terminals, Lloyds Maritime Academy, London, UK, 30-31 January.
- Acciaro, Michele (2012). Green Port-Centric Logistics, presentation 4th International Ports and the Environment Seminar, Amsterdam, NL, 22 March.
- Acciaro, Michele (2011). Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of the Ports of the Mediterranean (in Italian), Key-Note speech at the Italian National Congress of Maritime Agents, Stintino, Sardinia, Italy, 2-3 June.
- Acciaro, Michele (2011). Regulating Air Emissions from Ships, Presentation at theConference "Reducing the Impact of Emissions from Aviation and Shipping", City Chambers, Edinburgh, UK, 9 September.
- Acciaro, Michele (2011). Ports as supply chain facilitators, presentation at theBackgrounds to Ports & Terminals, Lloyds Maritime Academy, London, UK, 14-16 November.
- Acciaro, Michele (2011). Greening Container Transportation: The Economics of a Sustainable Liner Shipping Industry, The KLU Lecture Series, The Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany, 11 May.
- Acciaro, Michele (2010). Intermodal pricing: What should shippers expect from future rates? How can shippers ensure good quality of service at acceptable tariffs?,INTERMODAL Europe, Amsterdam, NL, 30 November - 2 December.
- Acciaro, Michele (2009). Port-Centric Logistics, presentation at the Terminal Operators Conference Europe (TOC Europe 2009), Bremen, Germany, 17-19 June.
- Acciaro, Michele (2009). Integrated logistics and the advantages of door-to-door pricing, Global Ports Conference, London, UK, 19-20 October.
- Acciaro, Michele (2008). The Competitive Position of the Baltic Ports and Russia’s Interests, presentation given at the AECLIPSE Symposium, Erasmus University Rotterdam, NL, 21 May.
- Acciaro, Michele (2008). Improving Container Terminal Performance with KPI, presentation at the Marine Terminal Management Seminar, Lloyds Maritime Academy, London, UK, 27-28 October.
- Acciaro, Michele (2008). Container Terminals Performance Measurement: the Supply Chain Perspective, presentation at the Terminal Operators Conference Europe (TOC Europe 2008), Amsterdam, NL, 17-19 June.
- Acciaro, Michele (2008). Baltic Container Logistics: Developments, Challenges and Policy Recommendations, presentation at Maritime Russia 2008, Grand Hotel de L’Europe, St.Petersburg, RU, 22-24 September.
- Acciaro, Michele (2007). Performance Measurement in the Container Terminal Business, presentation at the Marine Terminal Management Seminar, Lloyds Maritime Academy, London, UK, 6-7 December.
- Acciaro, Michele (2007). Delays in the Supply Chain: Analysing the Effects and Causes of Port Delays, Global Ports Conference, Rotterdam, NL, 12-13 November.
- Acciaro, Michele (2005). Reviewing the Betuwe Route: Experience, Future Challenges and Opportunities, presentation at the Intermodal Transport and Logistics Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 8-10 November.