Prof. Christian Tröster, PhD is Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at the KLU. Chris received his bachelor's and master's degree in sociology from the University of Groningen (NL) and his PhD from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL). He has been a visiting scholar at several universities, such as Singapore Management University (SMU), the University of British Columbia (UBC), and Victoria University of Wellington (NZ). He served on the editorial board of The Leadership Quarterly and is currently associate editor of the Academy of Management Journal.
Prof. Dr. Christian Tröster uses experiments and surveys to study topics in organizational behavior such as leadership, social networks, and teams. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, etc.
He teaches how to be more effective when dealing with people from other cultures (intercultural communication) and how to better understand what motivates people in organizations (leadership and organizational behavior). He teaches both students and executives in top-ranked programs and delivers training for companies around the globe.
Selected Publications
(2023): LMXSC elicits hubristic pride and social undermining in individuals with high trait dominance, Journal of Management Studies, 61 (6): 2662-2693.
Abstract: A consensus in the literature has converged on the idea that one's perceptions of being treated better by a leader (compared with one's coworkers' treatment by the same leader) motivate prosocial behaviour. Drawing on current theory of hubristic pride and its evolutionary role in status maintenance, we challenge this consensus by proposing that favourable, downward social comparisons of leader-member exchange (i.e., leader-member exchange social comparisons; LMXSC) can also lead to social undermining. Specifically, we argue that, in individuals with high trait dominance, LMXSC triggers hubristic pride, which, in turn, motivates social undermining. Results from two experiments and a longitudinal field study support this idea. In sum, our work shifts the consensus in LMXSC theory by showing when and why high LMXSC can motivate negative coworker-directed behaviour, and it also offers practical help to organizational leaders dealing with the ethical decision of if, and when, to preferentially treat individual team members.
(2021): The Consequence of Incongruent Abusive Supervision: Anticipation of Social Exclusion, Shame, and Turnover Intentions, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies: .
Abstract: We investigated the turnover intentions of employees who perceive that they are being treated with more or less abusive supervision than their coworkers. We call this incongruent abusive supervision. Our findings support our theory that employees associate incongruent abusive supervision with anticipation of social exclusion from their coworkers. Furthermore, this appraisal of social exclusion threat is associated with feelings of shame, which, in turn, increase turnover intentions. Two experimental vignettes provide support for our theoretical model. These findings highlight coworkers’ abusive supervision as an important context for the experience of one’s own abusive supervision and introduce shame as an emotional mechanism important for understanding employee responses to incongruent abusive supervision.
(2020): When Victims Help their Abusive Supervisors: The Role of LMX, Self-Blame, and Guilt., Academy of Management Journal, 64 (6): 1793-1815.
Abstract: Studies on abusive supervision typically posit that targets of abuse will either directly blame the perpetrating supervisor or indirectly blame the organization for allowing the abuse, and as a result reduce their cooperativeness at work. We pivot from this predominant logic and argue that, under certain circumstances, targets of abusive supervision may blame themselves, feel guilty, and then try to make it up to their abusive supervisors by helping them more. Drawing on the emotional process theory of abusive supervision and the more general socio-functional perspective of emotions, we specify that such a dynamic is more likely to ensue when subordinates otherwise experience the relationship with their supervisors as good (high LMX). Two studies—an experiment and a two-weeks bi-daily experience sampling study—provide support for our reasoning. As such, our study extends theorizing on the consequences of abusive supervision, which has typically found that it reduces cooperative behaviors. Moreover, it contributes to previous speculations that leaders may engage in abusive supervision because it has beneficial consequences for them.
(2019): The Coevolution of Social Networks and Thoughts of Quitting, Academy of Management Journal, 62 (1): .
Abstract: Research has shown that employees who occupy more central positions in their organization's network have lower turnover. As a result, scholars commonly interpret turnover as the consequence of social networks. Based on Conservation of Resources theory, we propose an alternative coevolution perspective that recognizes the influence of changes in individuals' social network position on their thoughts of quitting (the consideration of turnover), but also posits that thoughts of quitting shape individuals' agency in maintaining and changing their social network. Extending previous research, we predict that creation (dissolution) of both friendship ties and advice ties are negatively (positively) related to subsequent thoughts of quitting. We then develop and test the novel hypotheses that for friendship ties, thoughts of quitting are positively related to tie retention and negatively related to tie creation (leading to network stasis), whereas for advice ties thoughts of quitting are negatively related to tie retention and positively related to tie creation (leading to network churn). In a longitudinal network analysis that assessed 121 employees across three time points, we find support for our hypotheses that thoughts of quitting affect network changes, but do not find that network changes affect thoughts of quitting.
(2018): Keeping (future) rivals down: Temporal social comparison predicts coworker social undermining via future status threat and envy, Journal of Applied Psychology, 103 (4): 399-415.
Abstract: The extant social undermining literature suggests that employees envy and, consequently, undermine coworkers when they feel that these coworkers are better off and thus pose a threat to their own current status. With the present research, we draw on the sociofunctional approach to emotions to propose that an anticipated future status threat can similarly incline employees to feel envy toward, and subsequently undermine, their coworkers. We argue that employees pay special attention to coworkers' past development in relation to their own, because faster-rising coworkers may pose a future status threat even if they are still performing worse in absolute terms in the present. With a set of two behavioral experiments (N = 90 and N = 168), we establish that participants react to faster-rising coworkers with social undermining behavior when the climate is competitive (vs. less competitive). We extended these results with a scenario experiment (N = 376) showing that, in these situations, participants extrapolate lower future status than said coworker and thus respond with envy and undermining behavior. A two-wave field study (N = 252) replicated the complete moderated serial mediation model. Our findings help to explain why employees sometimes undermine others who present no immediate threat to their status. As such, we extend theorizing on social undermining and social comparison.
Research Projects
Teaching at KLU
Engaged Operational Leadership
Global Organization Design
Intercultural Communication & Management
Intercultural Communication and Management
Leadership Across Cultures
Leadership and Organizational Behavior
(MSc GL & SCM)
Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Academic positions
since 2022 | Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany |
2016 - 2022 | Associate Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany |
2013 | Visiting Assistant Professor at Saunder Business School, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
2011 - 2016 | Assistant Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany |
2010 | Visiting Assistant Professor at Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore |
2010 | Visiting Researcher at Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore |
2009 | Visiting Researcher at Links Centre, Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky, Louisville, USA |
2006 | Internship at the Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
2010 | Ph.D. in Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
2006 | MSc. in Sociology at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
2005 | BSc. in Sociology at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
2022 Best reviewer award of the Academy of Management Journal
2022 Best paper award of the OB division of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
2020 Best paper award of the OB division of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
2016 Finalist for the Best Convention Paper Award in the HR Division of the Academy of Management Meeting
2015 Best reviewer award of the organizational behavior division of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management