Prof. Dr. Brooke A. Gazdag

Associate Professor of Management

Academic Director of Executive Education

Prof. Dr. Brooke A. Gazdag

Associate Professor of Management

Academic Director of Executive Education

Prof. Dr. Brooke A. Gazdag is an Associate Professor of Management and Academic Director of Executive Education at the KLU. Originally from Western New York, after completing her PhD in Organizational Behavior and Management at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Dr. Gazdag took a position as Post Doc at the Technical University of Munich as part of a project on the “Selection and Evaluation of Leaders in Academia and Industry.” Afterwards, she worked at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in the Munich School of Business until 2020. Until 2023, Dr. Gazdag worked as an Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam Business School of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Gazdag has also been a visiting professor and lecturer at various universities from Israel to Australia.

Dr. Gazdag's research and teaching interests center around topics that reflect the various challenges and opportunities in the world of work: leadership, negotiations, and diversity and inclusion. In her research, Dr. Gazdag considers how these three topics work together to explore various topics such as the link between networking and leadership, how to build negotiation resilience, women's representation in leadership positions, and how inclusion can help to build resilience into relationships between diverse communities. Dr. Gazdag currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies and as an adhoc reviewer for various other journals.

As a curator of knowledge and advocate for better ways of working,  Dr. Gazdag seeks to integrate various insights and perspectives in her teaching, training, and speaking engagements to co-create dynamic, engaging learning experiences. She embraces innovative approaches to teaching and training with online learning seminars (“Diversity & Inclusion: Die Kraft der Vielfalt” and "Konflikte lösen" with Zeit Akademie) and blended learning, using a mix of own videos/podcasts, interactive exercises, and small group training on topics such as values-based leadership, resilience, diversity and inclusion, networking, and intercultural communication. Dr. Gazdag has fully embraced the rapid digitization of the working world and adapted not only her own leadership and training to the context, but also seeks to help others do the same.



Selected Publications


Abstract: Traditionally, leadership scholars often study snapshots of leaders in organizations. However, academic publishing offers a unique, more controlled context to study leadership with implications for leadership scholars and scholarship. Hence, we present a descriptive overview of women’s representation across 33 years in 11 top management journals across levels of leaders in academic publishing (i.e., editors, associate editors, and editorial board members) and authors. To do so, we curated an archival dataset tracking women’s representation over time and across these four levels (i.e., 21,510 authors and 4,173 leaders) with 51,360 data entries for the authors and 320,545 for the leaders. Overall, women’s representation increased over time, which was explained by simple time trend effects. Only 32 of 135 editors were women (i.e., 23.7 %), and the share of women associate editors showed particularly drastic fluctuations. We did not observe a “leaky pipeline” except from the associate editor to editor step, as well as notable fluctuations—particularly after new editor appointments—and between journals. We discuss the influential roles editors and publishers have on women’s representation in academic publishing and science more broadly as well as implications for future research and policy.

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Abstract: In this essay, our analysis takes important insights on diversity and inclusion from the behavioral literature but critically contextualizes them against the reality of humanitarian operations. Humanitarian operations are characterized by system immanent diversity, particularly between local and expatriate aid workers, who not only bring valuable different perspectives to the table but also differ along multiple dimensions of diversity into a so-called diversity faultline. Such a faultline, however, provides fertile ground for continued conflict resulting in relational fractures and, ultimately, inefficient collaboration. While, in theory, inclusion could help overcome the negative effects of faultlines, in practice, the time pressure for humanitarian organizations to quickly respond to disasters makes it effectively impossible to engage in it. Against this background, we argue, humanitarian organizations should take preemptive action before disaster strikes. Specifically, we posit that the pre-disaster phase presents an opportunity to engage in inclusion in order to cultivate relational resilience between local and expatriate aid workers. Such resilience would enable them to not only better weather the inevitable relational fractures during a disaster response (and thus stay more functional throughout), but also quickly realign with each other in the post-disaster phase. We conclude with a set of concrete recommendations for practicing inclusion in the pre-disaster phase.

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Abstract: Extant research has used the COVID-19 pandemic as a context to test the “women leadership advantage during crisis” hypothesis. An influential paper reported that women U.S. governors were associated with fewer COVID-19 deaths. Building on this work, we demonstrate that methodological assumptions play a critical role in our interpretation of findings. First, we conduct a literal replication (Study 1) of the original study to validate our dataset. Second, a series of constructive replications (Studies 2A-D) shows the results rely on methodological assumptions that are not fully supported. Without these assumptions, we find no evidence for the “women leadership advantage during crisis” hypothesis. Third, in two constructive replications focusing on U.S. counties and Brazilian municipalities, we causally test the relationship between strategic leader gender and COVID-19 deaths using a geographic matching design (Study 3A) and a regression discontinuity design (Study 3B). Again, we find no evidence for the “women leadership advantage during crisis” hypothesis. Collectively, we demonstrate that when following the methodological precedent of extant research, we were able to replicate previously identified relationships between gender and leadership outcomes, but after accounting for endogeneity and basic assumptions of linear models, we were no longer able to replicate these effects. In all our constructive replications, we found no significant difference in the effectiveness of women and men strategic leaders in crises.

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Abstract: Identifying as an organizational member — or feeling a strong sense of attachment to the organization — is generally a positive thing for employees and employers. But our research on workplace incivility and mistreatment shows that it can also shape when — and if — employees recognize and respond to subtle forms of discrimination against women at work. Evidence shows that leaders, as well as employees, play a key role in identifying and remedying gender discrimination in all its forms. If the goal is to proactively address gender discrimination in the workplace and encourage leaders and workers to remove their rose-colored glasses, this article offers a few suggestions.

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Abstract: Integrating a social identity approach with Cortina's (2008) theorizing about selective incivility as modern discrimination, we examine how identification—with an organization, with one's gender, and as a feminist—shapes bystanders’ interpretations and responses to witnessed incivility (i.e., interpersonal acts of disrespect) and selective incivility (i.e., incivility motivated by targets’ social group membership) toward women at work. We propose that bystanders with stronger organizational identification are less likely to perceive incivility toward female colleagues as discrimination and intervene, but female bystanders with stronger gender identification are more likely to do so. Results from two-wave field data in a cross-lagged panel design (Study 1, N = 336) showed that organizational identification negatively predicted observed selective incivility 1 year later but revealed no evidence of an effect of female bystanders’ gender identification. We replicated and extended these results with a vignette experiment (Study 2, N = 410) and an experimental recall study (Study 3, N = 504). Findings revealed a “dark side” of organizational identification: strongly identified bystanders were less likely to perceive incivility as discrimination, but there were again no effects of women's gender identification. Study 3 also showed that bystander feminist identification increased intervention via perceived discrimination. These results raise doubts that female bystanders are more sensitive to recognizing other women's mistreatment as discrimination, but more strongly identified feminists (male or female) were more likely to intervene. Although strongly organizationally identified bystanders were more likely to overlook women's mistreatment, they were also more likely to intervene once discrimination was apparent.

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Academic Positions

Since    2023   

Associate Professor of Management and Academic Director of Executive Education, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, Germany
2020 - 2023

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2018 - 2019

Visiting Scholar, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

2018 - 2018

Visiting Scholar, University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel

2014 - 2020

Assistant Professor (W1), Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
2012 - 2014 Postdoctoral Fellow, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
2009 - 2012 Lecturer, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA



PhD in Management, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA


Double Major, B.A. in Psychology, B.A. in Spanish, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA

2006 University of Seville, Seville, Spain