Teaching like at KLU: New case collection now available

Students in seminar room

Since the end of 2022, ten different cases prepared by KLU professors have been available on the prominent international platform “The Case Centre.” Interested educators from other universities and Business Schools can directly access the KLU cases and use them for their own classroom teaching. All cases are based on relevant research projects and the educational expertise of the KLU faculty.

“Thanks to the cases, it’s now even easier to integrate research-based content into teaching,” says Alexander Himme, an Associate Professor of Management Accounting at KLU. “In addition, they’ve all been amply tested in practice and include extensive notes on how they can be used in teaching.” In addition to students, depending on their focus, some cases could also be of considerable interest to companies or be used in on-the-job training, to convey academic content and new methods to employees.

“Cases” describe real-world business situations that involve serious challenges or difficult choices for managers and/or their companies. Participants take on the role of the protagonist in order to analyze the situation and discuss potential solutions. In this way, they’re not only introduced to important technical content, but can also hone their soft skills like logical argumentation, leading discussions, and teamwork.

Currently, ten cases from all areas of KLU research are available at the Case Centre:

  • Sailing Into the Future: The Case of the Port of Hamburg (Prof. Michele Acciaro)
  • The Logistics Cluster: Organizing Chaos in Humanitarian Logistics (Prof. Maria Besiou)
  • Innovation in the Smallholder Supply Chain (Tobias Voigt)
  • Leucadia Outfitters (Prof. Rod Franklin)
  • Cash is King – Analyzing International Cash Flow Statements (Prof. Alexander Himme)
  • Two Sides of the Same Coin: Ethiopia’s Approach to Improving the Local Textile Manufacturing Industry (Dr. Benjamin Nitsche)
  • The Railport Case (Prof. Hanno Friedrich)
  • Leasing in the Shipping Industry – Consequences of a Change in International Reporting Standards (Prof. Alexander Himme)
  • Additive Manufacturing for Spare Parts Management in the Commercial Vehicle Industry (Prof. Kai Hoberg)
  • The Flood Club (Prof. Alexander Himme)

Further cases on topical issues like sustainability and digitalization are now being prepared. The case collections are updated and expanded yearly, while the topicality of existing cases is reviewed.

“The Case Centre” is an independent, non-profit and membership-based organization offering the world’s largest depository of cases from leading Business Schools. In addition to KLU, collections from e.g. the London Business School, University of Cambridge, Harvard Business School and INSEAD are available.

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