For a detailed overview of our partner universities please visit the page International Office for KLU students.

International Office

Our International Office is the contact point for everybody who is seeking information on KLU's exchange programs. We maintain a network with our partner universities and whether you are a KLU student, an incoming student from our partner network or a free mover, we have all the details you’ll require for your semester abroad. KLU was awarded the Erasmus University Charter of the European Union and participates in the ERASMUS+ program, which facilitates the exchange of students and staff in Europe.


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Madlen Hebeler

Interim Head of International Office

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Dr. Mersida Mokci

International Office Managerin

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Hamaidi Stulos

International Office Manager

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Melissa Gürtler

International Office Project Administrator

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Friederike Bölle-Kutscher

Head of International Office (currently on leave)