Prof. Dr. Moritz Petersen


Assistant Professor in Sustainable Supply Chain Practice

Academic Director of Center for Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chains (CSLS)

Prof. Dr. Moritz Petersen


Assistant Professor in Sustainable Supply Chain Practice

Academic Director of Center for Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chains (CSLS)

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Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)


Abstract: Information sharing is a key enabler for a circular economy. Information on the treated products and on the operations of other actors helps firms to keep products and materials in the loop. Current research on information sharing in the circular economy is fragmented across multiple research disciplines and lacks integration. With this study, we synthesize past research on information sharing in the circular economy and provide a basis for future research. We conduct a systematic literature review of 84 peer-reviewed articles. Through a qualitative content analysis, we provide a framework that brings together interdisciplinary research and highlights the six main topics studied. Furthermore, we showcase two main perspectives on the topic: (i) a technical perspective that mainly focuses on making the necessary information available to all actors and (ii) a supply chain perspective that studies the impact of information sharing. We argue that for increased circularity: (i) interorganizational information sharing between business areas like manufacturing and recycling must be improved, (ii) access to information for all circular economy actors must be facilitated, and (iii) incentives for CE information sharing must be created. Finally, we suggest avenues for future interdisciplinary research to fulfill these requirements.

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Abstract: Der IPCC-Report aus dem August 2021 ist die jüngste einer Reihe von deutlichen Warnungen vor den Folgen des voranschreitenden Klimawandels. Alle Wirtschaftsbereiche stehen mehr denn je in der Verantwortung, ihre Treibhausgasemissionen schnell und umfassend zu senken. Die Logistik macht etwa 10 % des globalen CO2-Ausstoßes aus. Der größte Anteil entfällt auf den Straßengüterverkehr. Aufgrund hoher Wachstumsraten, der anhaltenden Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen und der hohen Fragmentierung des Markts ist die Senkung der CO2-Emissionen bzw. die sogenannte Dekarbonisierung des Straßengüterverkehrs besonders herausfordernd. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse einer großen Umfrage wird in diesem Beitrag herausgearbeitet, wie kleine Transportdienstleister und ihre Auftraggeber einen Beitrag zur Erreichung globaler Klimaziele leisten können. Im ersten Schritt kann eine genauere Messung der CO2-Emissionen dabei helfen, die Vorteilhaftigkeit lange bekannter aber nicht immer genutzter Dekarbonisierungsmaßnahmen klar herauszustellen. Auftraggeber können ihre Transportdienstleister dann zusätzlich mit passenden Anreizsystemen motivieren und unterstützen.

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Abstract: Blockchain-Lösungen für Supply Chain und Logistik können die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen stärken. Aber wie sollten sich insbesondere KMU diesem Thema nähern? Basierend auf 26 Experteninterviews arbeiten wir in diesem Beitrag zunächst Einsatzpotenziale für Blockchain heraus. Zur Realisierung der Potenziale leiten wir anschließend drei idealtypische Rollen ab. Diese Typologie kann Praktiker bei der Entwicklung eines unternehmensindividuellen Blockchain-Ansatzes unterstützen.

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Abstract: Blockchain is expected to have a transformational effect on supply chain and logistics due to its promise to improve the information flow between the supply chain partners. However, despite their high hopes, incumbent companies from supply chain and logistics are still struggling to deliver on this promise. In this explorative, qualitative interview study, we identify how incumbent companies try to make use of Blockchain in supply chain and logistics and we also analyze the barriers hampering them. The analysis of twenty-four semi-structured expert interviews and extensive secondary data collates a comprehensive picture of incumbent companies' activities around Blockchain adoption. We find that companies use Blockchain to drive digital transformation, constitute new business models and unify the industry through consortia. The main barriers to such solutions are a lack of technological usability and long-term uncertainties. The results of our study provide evidence for theoretical constructs and guide managerial practice.

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Abstract: Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how big-picture sustainability strategies are translated into tangible product development efforts. The authors assert that most sustainable products currently remain confined to niche markets and do not permeate the mainstream. The authors propose that there is a missing link between strategic sustainability goals and operational product development initiatives. The authors establish a path to bridging this gap. Design/methodology/approach The manuscript is based on a qualitative research design with a sample of 32 companies. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews with product developers as well as secondary data analysis. Findings The authors delineate three empirically derived approaches firms from the sample pursue to develop sustainable products. The authors identify a phenomenon that the authors’ call the fallacy of trickle-down product sustainability. The authors find that only one of the three approaches – codification – is equipped to successfully turn strategic sustainability targets into authentic sustainable products. Practical implications This study provides an actionable guide to executives and product developers with respect to bridging the gap between often elusive sustainability aspirations and tangible product improvements via the process of rigorous codification. Originality/value This study provides a novel and unique perspective into strategy, sustainability and product development. The authors synthesize the extant literature on sustainable product development, juxtapose the emergent structure with primary interview data, and elaborate the resource-based view (RBV) to provide theoretical and practical implications. The authors establish scalability as the missing RBV capability of many attempts toward mass–market compatibility of more sustainable products.

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Abstract: Human factors, such as an individual's competences and attitudes, have a decisive impact on the results of product development processes, especially in companies with small product development teams. Sustainability considerations further amplify this impact as such a multifaceted issue results in an extra layer of product requirements and hard-to-make decisions on tradeoffs. This paper explores the interplay of corporate sustainability and the individual approaches product developers exhibit toward improving product sustainability. For this purpose, a grounded theory study in the German consumer goods industry is conducted. Thirty-two expert interviews with product development managers and extensive secondary data are collected and analyzed. It is found that the corporate sustainability approach heavily influences how developers comprehend sustainability and how they conceptualize it for their product portfolio. Explicitly, the products considered for sustainability improvements, their innovation level, and the use of design stereotypes to signal sustainability improvements emerge as key decision levers. The findings emphasize that the human factors in the context of product development, specifically concerning sustainability, warrant more academic attention. Also, it is demonstrated that companies need to be aware of the organizational environment which they are providing for their developers when pushing for product sustainability.

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Abstract: Driven by successful pilot projects in supply chain and logistics, Blockchain has become one of the industry's latest technology hypes. In this paper, we cut through the hype and shed light on the expectations of industry professionals towards the benefits and challenges of Blockchain. Also, we categorize current Blockchain applications that are expected to provide tangible benefits for supply chain and logistics processes. To explore such potentials, we argue that companies should gain own first-hand experiences through small-scale experiments.

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Abstract: Developing more sustainable products provides an opportunity to address wasteful consumption practices. Yet, despite their best efforts to improve product sustainability, many companies admit to lacking a comprehensive sustainability strategy. Further, they have only limited insights into their consumers' expectations towards product sustainability. This manuscript presents the findings of a behavioral experiment on consumers' reactions towards companies' development efforts. We investigate how the development efforts “more sustainable materials” and “green exterior design” influence consumers' perceptions of product quality, sustainability, and aesthetics for two exemplary products. In summary, both efforts signal higher product sustainability to consumers. Yet, this may come at a cost as these changes may also signal impediments with respect to quality and aesthetics. We juxtapose our findings with signaling theory to derive implications for research and practice.

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Abstract: Consistently bringing sustainable products to market is a preeminent challenge to effectively pursuing the triple bottom line. As most companies lack the know-how and resources to develop and launch sustainable products, they are dependent on trading partners. Resource Integration and Resource Dependence Theory posit that reliance on external trading partners dictates careful governance. Effective collaboration with supply chain partners can theoretically mitigate the threat of resource dependence. The current manuscript, grounded in interview data from the consumer goods industry, however, identifies a persistent collaboration deficit. Rather than working together, many firms try to coerce suppliers into improving sustainability. Coercion sours relationships, impeding joint sustainability efforts and harming progress towards product sustainability. The good news: a few companies are beginning to invest in trust as a collaborative governance mechanism to broaden collaboration and reduce the costs of sustainable product development.

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Abstract: Bioplastics play an increasingly important role for consumer products. These new materials might increase product sustainability but they are currently confined to niche markets. While research has gained important insight into the technical challenges, few studies to date explore the behavioral aspects for product developers as they move to employ bioplastics in their development efforts. This manuscript reports the findings of a grounded inductive study based on interview data with 32 product developers in the consumer goods industry. The Theory of Planned Behavior is employed to guide the research and provide a theoretical background to derive implications. The study finds that behavioral challenges impede the increased use of bioplastics. Product developers experience a lack of perceived behavioral control and struggle with doubts about the environmental benefits and incurring trade-offs of bioplastics with respect to the Triple Bottom Line. While product developers are intrinsically motivated to make more use of bioplastics, they often refrain from bringing products to the mass market due to uncertainties of customer receptiveness and fears of greenwashing allegations. Implications for industry and research are detailed.

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Journal Articles (Professional)

Abstract: How is the case for ‘building back greener’ impacting on logistical activities, which collectively account for around 10-11% of global CO2 emissions?

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Abstract: Blockchain-Lösungen für Supply Chain und Logistik können die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Unternehmen stärken. Aber wie sollten sich insbesondere KMU diesem Thema nähern? Basierend auf 26 Experteninterviews arbeiten wir in diesem Beitrag zunächst Einsatzpotenziale für Blockchain heraus. Zur Realisierung der Potenziale leiten wir anschließend drei idealtypische Rollen ab. Diese Typologie kann Praktiker bei der Entwicklung eines unternehmensindividuellen Block-chain-Ansatzes unterstützen.

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Abstract: Blockchain ist als Plattform für den Austausch von Daten nach wie vor in aller Munde. Entscheidend für die Akzeptanz der Technologie im geschäftlichen Kontext ist allerdings die Wahrung von Geschäftsgeheimnissen bzw. die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorgaben wie der Datenschutzgrundverordnung. Die Blockchain-inhärente Sichtbarkeit aller gespeicherten Daten für alle Teilnehmer, wegen der die Plattform letztlich eingesetzt wird, kann dabei zum Problem werden. In der Praxis werden deshalb verschiedene Verfahren eingesetzt, um Daten vor unbefugtem Zugriff zu schützen, ohne dabei die Vorteile einer verteilten Datenbankstruktur einzubüßen. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir entsprechende Verfahren vor und berichten von den Erfahrungen des HANSEBLOC-Projekts, das die Nutzung von Blockchain für den Datenaustausch im Logistikbereich untersucht.

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Abstract: Blockchain ist eine neue Technologie, mit deren Hilfe Transaktionen dezentral, manipulationssicher und transparent für alle Mitglieder eines Netzwerks abgewickelt werden können. Besonders im Finanzsektor wird Blockchain derzeit als disruptive Schlüsseltechnologie gehandelt, deren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten jedoch weit über die Branche hinausgehen. Um das Potenzial von Blockchain für Produktion und Logistik zu verdeutlichen, werden in diesem Beitrag exemplarische Anwendungsfälle vorgestellt.

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Abstract: Recycling activities are complex and involve many actors. Recycling supply chains are under increasing pressure due to higher volumes of waste and rising requirements regarding the treatment and quality of the secondary raw materials. We aim to identify challenges and best practices in recycling supply chains. The analysis comprises the recycling supply chains of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), plastics packaging, construction and demolition, glass, and paper waste. 36 interviews with actors from different stages of the recycling process are analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results show that the main challenges are related to impurities in the waste streams resulting, among other reasons, from wrong disposal, treatment with unsuitable equipment, or inadequate product design. Furthermore, we highlight that a joint effort of the different actors in the supply chain is necessary to overcome the current challenges and improve the quantity and quality of secondary raw materials.

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Abstract: This report summarises the results of a survey of over 90 senior executives to determine the extent to which their businesses are working to improve the environmental sustainability of their logistics operations, mainly by cutting carbon emissions. The report includes short case studies in which eight companies outline sustainable logistics initiatives they have undertaken: Procter & Gamble, Stora Enso, Kuehne+Nagel, Tata Steel, Saint-Gobain Isover and Transporeon, Vlantana, Bertschi, and LKW Walter. The report concludes with a series of recommendations for the various stakeholders in the European logistics industry.

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Conference Proceedings

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Abstract: Blockchain is an emergent technology concept that enables the decentralized and im-mutable storage of verified data. Over the last few years, it has increasingly attracted the attention of different industries. Especially in Fintech, Blockchain is hyped as the silver bullet that might overthrow today’s payment handling. Slowly, the logistics and supply chain man-agement community realizes how profoundly Blockchain could affect their industry. To shed light on this emerging field, we conducted an online survey and asked logistics professionals for their opinion on use case exemplars, barriers, facilitators, and the general prospects of Blockchain in logistics and supply chain management. We found most of our participants are fairly positive about this new technology and the benefits it offers. However, factors like the hierarchical level, Blockchain experiences, and the industry sector have a significant impact on the participants’ evaluation. We reason that the benefits over existing IT solutions must be carved out more carefully and use cases must be further explored to get a rather conservative industry, like logistics, more excited about Blockchain.

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Book Chapters


Abstract: Single-use packaging is one of the major contributors to the growing issue of plastic waste, pollution, and resource depletion. A promising solution is a switch to reusable packaging. However, although the market for reusable packaging is experiencing rapid growth, the large-scale adoption of reuse systems is still challenging. In this chapter, we review the development of reusable packaging systems in the B2C business. We specifically focus on three waste hotspots of consumer-facing packaging: (1) the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, (2) e-commerce, and (3) takeaway food services. We first present a general framework characterizing the fundamental structure of reuse systems, independent of the application. For each application area, we then highlight different challenges to be mastered for large-scale adoption and, thus, effective reduction of single-use packaging. Moreover, we provide some directions for future research in the area of reusable packaging systems

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Abstract: This chapter provides information to assist in adopting successful decarbonization roadmaps or decarbonization projects by focussing on value chains. The authors emphasise the importance of understanding the various activities and processes involved in creating value for companies in the maritime sector and their interdependence on other parts of the value chains in which they operate. They emphasise that decarbonization should be seen as a joint undertaking of multiple intertwined value chains. Only with this broad perspective can the available decarbonization enablers be assessed holistically and implemented in the timescale that society is increasingly demanding.

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Abstract: Decarbonizing shipping means decarbonizing value chains. The authors of this chapter describe the step-by-step value chain approach for bringing models of interdependencies to the table and provide their recommendations on what needs to happen within each value chain to empower decarbonization efforts. They also discuss the critical role of ports in identifying interdependencies between the value chains and driving decarbonization efforts.

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Abstract: The increased strain on the earth’s resources may be mitigated by adopting the principles of the circular economy, particularly if these can be aligned with digital opportunities. The circular economy principles of redesigning the economic system to be restorative and regenerative are highly relevant to the maritime sector. A lot of the means used for sea transport and consequential port visits and cargo operations utilise physical infrastructures that both need to be utilised with high efficiency and should be reused as a whole or by its components in the secondary market. Reusing materials and securing high utilisation of physical infrastructures requires strong digital capabilities to underpin the circular economy business models, store the properties, and track the use of physical infrastructures and other maritime assets. In this chapter, a framework for a digital foundation that can support a maritime circular economy is introduced and exemplified by the circular material passport and the material pool. As the maritime industry increasingly captures the properties of used material for the ships, equipment, and infrastructures necessary to fulfil sea transport as part of digitalisation, the sector seems to have good opportunities to make the move towards a digitally supported competitive maritime circular economy that can both enhance and be guided by developments in maritime informatics.

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Abstract: In 2016, the United Nations put forward 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that aim at securing global sustainable development on the economic, social, and environmental level. The SDG include such diverse goals as limiting climate change or establishing decent working conditions and are meant to function as a political agenda with a horizon of 15 years (UNDP 2016). It is established that supply chain management and logistics have a considerable influence on global sustainable development (Thorlakson et al. 2018). For example, emissions from transport operations are a large contributor to climate change (McKinnon 2018).

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Abstract: Die digitale Transformation hat das Potenzial, die Supply Chains zu verändern wie selten zuvor. Eine Vielzahl neuer digitaler Technologien eröffnet kaum abzusehende Möglichkeiten für die Optimierung der Prozesse entlang der Wertschöpfungskette: Der 3-D-Druck erlaubt die kundenspezifische Produktion eines einzigartigen Produkts in Serienqualität, vernetzte Sensoren kontrollieren die Bestände in Regalen oder Kühlschränken samt voll automatisierter Nachbestellungen, und Big Data unterstützt Unternehmen, ihre Lieferfahrzeuge so durch den Verkehr zu führen, dass sie beim Kunden eintreffen, wenn dieser tatsächlich zu Hause ist. Unternehmen aller Branchen müssen die Chancen der Digitalisierung ganzheitlich betrachten und verstehen, wie sie ihre Supply Chain 4.0 realisieren können.

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Abstract: In light of increasingly integrated supply chains relying on decentralized production units and new process technology (Kersten et al. 2017; Hoberg et al. 2019), outstanding maintenance strategies can mean a cutting edge for companies (Roy et al. 2016; Bokrantz et al. 2017). Thus, it comes as no surprise that maintenance makes its comeback in the center of managerial attention after it had been considered a necessary evil to be outsourced for decades (Faccio et al. 2014; Wibowo et al. 2016). Also, from an economic viewpoint, maintenance is by no means to be underestimated: the global aircraft maintenance market alone is projected to grow from $75 bn. in 2018 to $115 bn. until 2028 (Cooper et al. 2018).

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Abstract: Sustainability becomes increasingly important for all business areas. When it comes to the development of sustainable products it is necessary to have a clear under- standing of what makes a product sustainable. Such a definition has not emerged yet; this calls for taking a different angle when approaching the problem. This paper presents the results of an experimental study within the field of sustainable product development to investigate the influence of different stakeholders on development decisions.

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