External Lecturers


External Lecturers


The resident faculty at KLU is supported by high-profile external lecturers from renowned universities and professionals from leading international companies, who hold teaching positions in our degree and executive education programs.

Dr. Philipp Bach Research Associate University of Hamburg
Dr. Peter Böxkes Trainer & Consultant Vision2030
Prof. Dr. Markus H. Dahm Professor Business Consulting & Digital Management FOM University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Tilman Eckloff

Professor of Social Psychology

Business & Law School Berlin

Gisela Hähne Lecturer in the KLU "Preparation Program"  
Prof. Dr. Christoph Ihl Professor and Head of the Institute of Entrepreneurship Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Prof. Dr. Uwe Jensen Professor and Head of the Institute for Statistics and Econometrics Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Dr. Sven Klaaßen Research Associate University of Hamburg
Dr. Nils Lemke Lecturer in the KLU "Preparation Program" Berufliche Schule St. Pauli
Claudia Lüdecke Lecturer in the KLU "Preparation Program" International School of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Matthias Meyer Full Professor of Management Accounting and Simulation Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Dr. Fabrice Mielke Co-Founder MindEvolved
Prof. Dr. Roee Sarel Assistant Professor for Civil Law and Law & Economics University of Hamburg
Dr. Jürgen Scherer Lecturer in the KLU master's programs "Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management" and "International Management" BxB-Exchange
Prof. Dr. Holger Schneider Partner Digital Strategy & Innovation digitice.io | Hamburg
Dr. Maximilian Schormair Assistant Professor in Business Ethics Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin
Dr. Peter Schubert Senior Project Manager ZiviZ gGmbH
Dr. Andreas Trabert Lecturer in the KLU "Preparation Program" Campus Zweiter Bildungsweg
Prof. Dr. Han van der Aa Junior Professor in Artifical Intelligence Methods University of Mannheim
Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner Director Executive MBA ETH SCM Department Management Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
Dr. Mark Young President Rational Games Inc.
Brig Watson Lecturer in the KLU "Preparation Program" International School of Hamburg