Selected Presentations
Academic Conference Presentations
- Androulidaki, A., Brosi, P., Vaulont, M.: Signaling inclusion: The role of leader positive emotional expressions in the process of follower organizational socialization. 7th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Brosi, P.: Alone in the crowd? Loneliness explains bus drivers’ emotional exhaustion in response to customer mistreatment. 16th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Granada, Spain.
- Brosi, P., Rivkin, W., Leopold, H., Shaw, J. D., & Fransoo, J.: Daily goal-disruptive events increase truck drivers' fuel consumption via anger and happiness. Annual Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, USA.
- Brosi, P., Allen, J., Anger in Meetings: Do Resulting Emotional labor and Meeting Outcomes Depend on Meeting Members’ Hierarchical Position?, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology; Katowice, Poland, 24.-27. May 2023
- Brosi, P., Schuth, M., Folger, N., Ployhart, R., & Chen, G.: The role of team context on performance signals for human capital resource market value. Annual Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, USA.
- Dickey, E. C., Brosi, P., Fransoo, J. C.: Hot-headed and heavy-hearted: Decision-making in the aftermath of unsustainable supplier behavior. Behavioral Operations Conference, Baltimore MD, United States.
- Dickey, E. C., Brosi, P., Fransoo, J. C.: Compassion in discretion: Leveraging operations managers’ guilty conscience to mitigate suffering on the shop floor. CEMS Conference on Supply Chain Management, Riezlern, Austria.
- Dickey, E. C., Brosi, P., Fransoo, J. C.: Compassion in discretion: Leveraging operations managers’ guilty conscience to mitigate suffering on the shop floor, INFORMS Conference, Arizona, United States.
- Kühsel, N. F., Rösemeier, J., & Brosi, P.: Only pros can curse?! Expressing anger leads to being perceived as passionate and increases funding. Annual Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, USA.
- Van der Velde, A., Gerpott, F. H., & Brosi, P.: If I don’t follow, what will you do? A challenge-hindrance perspective on functional or dysfunctional leadership in response to subordinate resistance. 6th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Rhodos, Greece.
- Kühsel, N., Brosi, P., & Tegtmeier, S., Entrepreneurs' pride and investor perceptions of warmth and competence: How do social perceptions determine investor funding decisions? RENT - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Naples, Italy.
- Rieg, J., Van Quaquebeke, N., Brosi, P., Probing leader inquiry: The differential effect of asking for advice versus help on leader humility. DGPs Congress 2022, Hildesheim, Germany.
- Dickey, E. C., Brosi, P., & Fransoo, J., Transparency fosters trust and justice in global supply chains. Academy of Management Conference 2022, Seattle, USA.
- Kühsel, N., Brosi, P., & Michaelis, B., Affect versus cognition: Examining the nature of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Academy of Management Conference 2022, Seattle, USA.
- Rieg, J., Van Quaquebeke, N., Brosi, P., Probing leader inquiry: The differential effect of asking for advice versus help on leader humility. Academy of Management Conference 2022, Seattle, USA.
- Dickey, E., Brosi, P. & Fransoo, J., Compassion may not be enough: The role of anticipatory guilt in creating better working conditions in operations. Behavioral Operations Conference 2022, Arkansas, USA.
- Ameres, L., Brosi, P., & Erlmaier, T., Don´t worry about your ability: Error management climate as stress-buffer for cognitive demands. Academy of Management Conference 2021 (online).
- Schuth, M., Brosi, P., Folger, N., Chen, G., & Ployhart, R., When new talent scores: The impact of human capital and the team context on newcomer performance. Academy of Management Conference 2021 (online).
- Kuehsel, N., Brosi, P., & Michaelis, B., Entrepreneurial self-efficacy, its effect on situational optimism, venturing and information request. Academy of Management Conference 2021 (online).
- Dickey, E. C., Brosi, P., & Fransoo, J. C., Transparency fosters trust and justice in global supply chains. Production and Operations Management Society 2021 (online).
- Escamilla, R. G. A., Brosi, P., Fransoo, J. C., Mejia-Agueta, C., Mora, C. Q., Should I use this app? Understanding barriers to technology adoption by nanoretailers. Production and Operations Management Society 2021 (online).
- Brosi, P., & Allen, J. A., Who can let things go? How hierarchy moderates the anger in meetings and emotional labor experiences. ING Group Meeting 2021 (online).
- Ameres, L., Schwarzmüller, T., & Brosi, P., Cognitive demands and error management climate affecting stress and engagement: A multilevel study. Academy of Management Conference 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- Brosi, P., Individual work outcomes following pride expressions. EAWOP Congress 2019, Turin, Italy.
- Fischer, S. B., & Brosi, P., Making the fit for female (and male) middle and top managers: Work flexibility and female support measures. WK Personal Workshop 2018, Munich, Germany.
- De Boeck, G., Brosi, P., & Dries, N., Future-oriented and ambiguous: Examining potential assessments versus performance assessments. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.
- Schuth, M., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M., Attracting students and professionals in IT: It's the work-family culture for both women and men. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.
- Brosi, P., & Schuth, M., Power and emotion display rules for anger and pride in organizations. Emonet XI, Chicago, USA.
- Schuth, M., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M., Recruiting women in IT: A conjoint-analysis approach. Hawaii International Conference of System Science, USA.
- Brosi, P., & LeCocq, L., Motivating innovation: Can employee suggestion systems be effective? 6th European Reward Management Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
- Brosi, P., Individual work outcomes following the experience and expression of pride. Presented as part of the symposium “The role of discrete emotions in organizations: An empirical investigation of work outcomes” (organized by J. Gooty & C. E. Williams) at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
- Schuth, M. & Brosi, P., Descriptive and prescriptive gender stereotypes in agency. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
- Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M., Increases in employees’ use of flexible work arrangements: Positive reactions via perceived organizational support on organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Paper presented at the WK ORG Workshop 2017, Hamburg, Germany.
- Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., Welpe, I. M., & Heilman, M. E., Willing to lead, not willing to follow: Gender-specific inferences from pride expressions. Paper presented as part of the symposium “Converging evidence that agency can benefit women's career outcomes” (organized by R. L. Schaumberg) at the 2017 Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention, San Antonio, USA.
- Brosi, P., Flexibility is meaningful: Employees’ reactions to changes in the use of flexible work. Paper presented at 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
- Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., Welpe, I. M., & Heilman, M. E., Willing to lead, not willing to follow: Gender-specific inferences from pride expressions. Paper presented at 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
- Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M., Sparking anger and anxiety: How leader anger displays enhance (dys)functional follower behaviors. Paper presented at 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA.
- Brosi, P. & Shaw, J. D., Reintroducing power differentials to understand leaders’ and followers’ relational emotion regulation. Paper presented at Emonet X, Rome.
- Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M., Sparking anger and anxiety: How the intensity of leader anger displays enhances both dysfunctional and functional follower behaviors. Paper presented at 78. Jahrestagung des VHB, Munich, Germany.
- Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M., Digital work design – How digitization transforms work and leadership. Poster accepted for presentation at the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, USA.
- Brosi, P., Müller, C., & Welpe, I. M., An examination of the gender pay gap across time. Presentation at the 5th European Reward Management Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
- Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., & Welpe, I. M., Ärger bei Führungskräften und funktionales sowie dysfunktionales Mitarbeiterverhalten. Presented at 9. Fachgruppentagung Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Mainz, Germany.
- Brosi, P., Potential is more susceptible to sex and age-based stereotypes than performance. Presented at 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
- Brosi, P., & Spörrle, M., Emotion display rules for anger and pride depend on hierarchy of authority and position power. Presented at 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
- Schwarzmüller, T., & Brosi, P., Reducing lack-of-fit: Promoting women's success by training stereotype-proof selection processes. Presented at 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.
- Ritzenhöfer, L., Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M., Effects of leaders' expressions of gratitude and pride on followers' leader and job satisfaction. Presented at 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M., More than just power: Differential effects of anger displays on the bases of power. Presented at 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Brosi, P. & Welpe, I. M., Employer branding for universities: What are postdocs looking for? Presented at 76. Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Leipzig, Germany.
- Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M., More than just power: Differential effects of anger on the bases of power. Presented at 76. Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Leipzig, Germany.
- Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M., Mehr als nur Macht: Differenzielle Effekte von Ärger auf die wahrgenommenen Machtdimensionen von Führungskräften. Presented at 11. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Vienna, Austria.
- Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M., Two faces of the leader: Inferences from expressing pride and happiness on perceived leader roles. Presented at 2013 Academy of Management Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Florida (USA).
- Ritzenhöfer, L. & Brosi, P., Show me that I can trust you: Leader emotion display predicts dimensions of follower trust. Presented at 2013 Academy of Management Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Florida (USA).
- Schwarzmüller, T. & Brosi, P., Shareholders favor stakeholder management? Yes they do – as long as it does not hurt! Presented at 2013 Academy of Management Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Florida (USA).
- Ritzenhöfer, L., Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M., Show me that I can trust you: Leader emotion display predicts dimensions of follower trust. Paper presented at the Jahrestagung der VHB, Würzburg, Germany.
- Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M., Shareholders favour stakeholder management? Yes they do – as long as it does not hurt! Poster presented at the 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Muenster, Germany.
- Ritzenhöfer, L., Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M., Show me that I can trust you: Leader emotion display predicts dimensions of follower trust. Poster presented at the 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Muenster, Germany.
- Schwarzmüller, T., Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., & Welpe, I. M., Shareholders favour stakeholder management? Yes they do – as long as it does not hurt! Presented at the WK ORG Workshop 2013, Jena, Germany.
2009 - 2012
- Brosi, P., Welpe, I. M., Peus, C., Braun, S. & Frey, F. (2012) Gender und Strategie: Ein weiterer Stereotyp? Paper presented at the Congress of the Deutsche Psychologische Gesellschaft (DGPs), Bielefeld, Germany
- Spörrle, M. & Brosi, P (2012). Too proud to help? Examining the opposing influences of authentic and hubristic pride on helping. Paper presented at the 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.
- Brosi, P., Spörrle, M., Welpe, I. M., & Shaw, J. D. (2012). The role of trait positive affectivity in the evaluations of one’s own and others’ financial rewards. Paper presented at the 2012 Workshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation des VHB, Berlin, Germany.
- Brosi, P., Welpe, I.M., & Spörrle, M. (2011). How self- and other-focused emotions influence the motivational force of financial rewards. Paper presented at the 3rd European Reward Management Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
- Brosi, P. & Spörrle, M. (2011). How positive trait affectivity influences evaluation of rewards for ourselves and others. Paper presented at the 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA.
- Brosi, P., & Welpe I. M. (2009). The mediating influence of emotions on the relationship between financial incentives and performance. 2nd European Reward Management Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Other Conference Contributions
- Ehrhardt, K. P., & Brosi, P. (2017). Making the most of your time away: Practical advice for planning an international experience. Professional Development Workshop organized for the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
- Schwarzmüller, T., & Brosi, P. (2016). Designing meaningful work, leadership and organizations in a digitized world: A research incubator. Caucus organized for the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA. Presenters: Sharon Parker (University of Western Australia), Arvind Malhotra (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Timothy D. Golden (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Melissa Mazmanian (University of California).
- Brosi, P., & Drescher, M. A. (2010). Measurement of passion, compassion and other emotions. Caucus organized for the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.
Selected Talks
10/18 | Akademische Personalentwicklung: Eine forschungsorientierte Sicht auf Karriereverläufe und Herausforderungen von Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen. Keynote auf dem Workshop der Dialoginitiative Niedersachsen „Geschlechtergerechte Hochschulkultur“. |
10/18 | Digitalisierung, New Work und Diversität, Keynote auf dem Herbsttreffen Forum Diversity, Fraport. |
07/18 | Disrupt yourself – Work, Leadership and Organizations in the Digital Age, Siemens, |
07/18 | Digital Leadership – Mitarbeiter in die Digitalisierung mitnehmen. IHK-Unternehmerinnentag 2018. |
06/18 | Disrupt Yourself – Work, Leadership and Organizations in the Digital Age. Expedition Arbeitswelten 4.0: Entdeckungsreise durch die New-Work-Szene für Versicherer. |
11/17 | Disrupt Yourself – Work, Leadership and Organizations in the Digital Age. Annual Convention of the German Society for Mentoring. |
11/17 | Moderation, Leadership-Garage: Auf Digitalisierung umschalten. VDMA Bayern. |
10/17 | Disrupt Yourself – Work, Leadership and Organizations in the Digital Age. Vortrag im Rahmen des Herbstforum Technologie – Menschen – Werte des Münchner Bildungsforums. |
04/17 | Leadership and Collaboration in the Digitalized World, Business Friday „How? When? Where? Why? The new world of work between digitalization and tradition“, MCI Management Center Innsbruck. |
03/17 | Women and assertiveness, GLOW Sustainability Ladies Lunch Siemens. |
01/17 | Digital Leadership – Taking it beyond a buzzword, Siemens Leadership Excellence. |
09/16 | Work 4.0 – Influence on Performance Management and Compensation Systems. Presentation for the 15th annual conference on compensation, Germany Society for People Management. |
06/16 | Managing the digital transformation successfully, Allianz SE. |
05/16 | Digital transformation in organizations: Consequences on organization, leadership, work and people, Talk for the 25th jubilee of the Institute for Organization und Human Resources, Universität Bern. |
11/13 | Unconscious Bias: How stereotypes can be overcome. Workshop for the Conference DIVERSITY 2013, Charta der Vielfalt. |