Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
(In Press): Tax privacy concerns hamper digitization of the Nanostore Channel, Decision Sciences: .
Abstract: Various entities, such as startups, suppliers and governments, face substantial difficulties in convincing nanostore shopkeepers to adopt digital technologies. Given the informal status of nanostores, we posit that shopkeepers experience Tax Privacy Concerns from their operational records potentially becoming transparent to the tax authorities, which hampers their inclination to digitize. Through the application of a survey and vignette experiments in the field with hundreds of shopkeepers across three cities in Latin America, we find consistent evidence for the negative role of Tax Privacy Concerns, above and beyond shopkeepers' willingness to share data with various entities, trust in the government and other entities, and general privacy concerns. Further, we show that having entities that shopkeepers trust and are willing to share data with offer technological solutions does not mitigate shopkeepers' Tax Privacy Concerns and boosts digitization. In contrast, positive word of mouth that data are unlikely to be shared with the tax authorities does mitigate Tax Privacy Concerns. Overall, our findings provide novel evidence for the existence and influence of privacy concerns for operational data among microentrepreneurs, which answers calls in the extant literature to explore privacy concerns.beyond the consumer context.
(2023): Stayed at home - but can´t stop working despite being ill? Guilt as a driver of presenteeism at work and at home, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44 (6): 853-870.
Abstract: We argue that the literature on presenteeism needs to consider that employees not only go to work despite being ill but also often work from home despite being ill, especially since the COVID-19 crisis enabled home-office work on a large scale. We label this phenomenon “workahomeism” and develop theory that shows its distinctness from traditional presenteeism through the evoked pattern of guilt. Across three studies (a vignette experiment, a critical incident study, and a within-person intervention study), we tested whether employees' work-related reactions to illness (i.e., workahomeism, presenteeism, and resting at home) differ in terms of experienced and anticipated guilt. We found that when employees considered engaging in workahomeism, they anticipated feeling less guilty than when resting at home. However, when employees actually engaged in workahomeism, they felt as guilty or even more guilty than when resting at home. In contrast, employees' anticipated guilt for presenteeism as compared to workahomeism changed from the same to more after the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. Furthermore, we identify facets of guilt in response to workahomeism (i.e., guilt toward colleagues and about own health) and demonstrate that organizations can change guilt patterns by asking employees to reflect on the consequences of workahomeism and presenteeism.
(2023): When New Talent Scores: The Impact of Human Capital and the Team Context on Newcomer Performance, Journal of Applied Psychology, 108 (6): 1046-1059.
Abstract: This study integrates research on newcomer socialization and work teams to examine how the team environment facilitates or hinders the translation of human capital into newcomer performance in professional sports teams. Using large, multiyear and multilevel data from the top five European professional football leagues, we examine how individual-level newcomer human capital and the team-level characteristics (prior team performance, number of newcomers) influence individual newcomer performance during two different socialization contexts (when more vs. less time for socialization is provided). We found that individual human capital was positively related to newcomer performance across socialization contexts while the direct relationships between team variables and performance were conditional on the socialization context. Prior team performance was positively related to newcomer performance when more time for socialization was provided, but prior team performance as well as the number of newcomers were negatively related to newcomer performance when less time for socialization was provided. Beyond the direct relationships, our results show that human capital was less positively related to newcomer performance when newcomers joined higher performing teams across socialization contexts. These findings extend our understanding of the complex relationships between individual human capital and the team’s socialization environment on newcomer performance and advance new knowledge regarding conditions that facilitate the success of newcomers who join existing (operating) teams.
(2022): Taking a closer look at the bidirectional relationship between meaningful work and strain at work: A cross-lagged model, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31 (3): 341-351.
Abstract: Research conceptualized meaningful work as an important resource reducing work-related strain. Literature has however neglected the possibility that the relationship between meaningful work and strain may be bidirectional. Based on Conservation of Resources theory and the attention view on stress, we therefore simultaneously examine the relationship between strain and meaningful work in a cross-lagged panel study with 983 participants. We demonstrate that meaningful work reduces employees’ degree of strain more than a month later. Vice versa, the strain that employees experience at work also reduces the degree to which they perceive their work as meaningful. These results indicate that while meaningful work serves as an important psychological resource reducing strain, it may, itself, prove susceptible to high levels of strain.
(2022): Perceived technology turbulence and individual ambidexterity - the moderating role of formalization, European Management Journal, 40 (5): 718-728.
Abstract: Today's turbulent environment, with fast and unpredictable technological changes, requires employees to increasingly act ambidextrously, i.e., to simultaneously incorporate exploitative and explorative tasks in their work roles. To improve our understanding of how to foster individual ambidexterity in technologically turbulent environments, we draw on organizational management theories by arguing (1) that perceived technological turbulence directly affects individual ambidexterity in a positive way and (2) that organizations can strengthen this effect by providing employees with internal stability in these times of external changes through high degrees of formalization. Using data collected in a three-wave online survey of 739 German employees, this study demonstrates that employees who perceive high degrees of technological turbulence in their organization's environment show high degrees of ambidexterity in their work. In addition, we show that formalization in the form of written rules, procedures, and instructions positively moderates this relationship so that employees' ambidexterity is highest when both perceptions of technological turbulence and formalization are high. We conclude by discussing the implications of these findings for the ambidexterity literature, for future research and managerial practice.
(2021): Applicant reactions to digital selection methods: A signaling perspective on innovativeness and procedural justice, Journal of Business and Psychology: .
Abstract: Research has shown that the use of digital technologies in the personnel selection process can have both positive and negative effects on applicants’ attraction to an organization. We explain this contradiction by specifying its underlying mechanisms. Drawing on signaling theory, we build a conceptual model that applies two different theoretical lenses (instrumental-symbolic framework and justice theory) to suggest that perceptions of innovativeness and procedural justice explain the relationship between an organization’s use of digital selection methods and employer attractiveness perceptions. We test our model by utilizing two studies, namely one experimental vignette study among potential applicants (N = 475) and one retrospective field study among actual job applicants (N = 335). With the exception of the assessment stage in Study 1, the positive indirect effects found in both studies indicated that applicants perceive digital selection methods to be more innovative. While Study 1 also revealed a negative indirect effect, with potential applicants further perceiving digital selection methods as less fair than less digitalized methods in the interview stage, this effect was not significant for actual job applicants in Study 2. We discuss theoretical implications for the applicant reactions literature and offer recommendations for human resource managers to make use of positive signaling effects while reducing potential negative signaling effects linked to the use of digital selection methods.
(2019): The Effect of Top Management Trustworthiness on Turnover Intentions via Negative Emotions: The Moderating Role of Gender, Journal of Business Ethics, 156 (1): 1-13.
Abstract: Based on a field study (N = 303), this paper explores the differential role that perceived top management trustworthiness has on female and male employees’ negative emotions and turnover intentions in organizations. A theoretical model is established that explicates a negative indirect effect of perceived top management trustworthiness on employee turnover intentions through employee negative emotions. The results reveal that there is a negative relationship between perceived top management trustworthiness and employee negative emotions and resulting turnover intentions and that this effect is stronger for female employees than for male employees. These results demonstrate the pivotal role played by top management trustworthiness, provide an explanation for the turnover gender gap, and highlight the subjectivity in reactions to trustworthiness perceptions. The implications for organizations are discussed in line with the need for top management to positively influence employees and particularly women, to retain them in their workforce.
(2019): Satisfied with the Job, But Not with the Boss: Leaders’ Expressions of Gratitude and Pride Differentially Signal Leader Selfishness, Resulting in Differing Levels of Followers’ Satisfaction, Journal of Business Ethics, 158 (5): .
Abstract: Setting out to understand the effects of positive moral emotions in leadership, this research examines the consequences of leaders’ expressions of gratitude and pride for their followers. In two experimental vignette studies (N = 261; N = 168) and a field study (N = 294), leaders’ gratitude expressions showed a positive effect and leaders’ pride expressions showed a negative effect on followers’ ascriptions of leader selfishness. Thereby, leaders’ gratitude expression indirectly led to higher follower satisfaction with and OCB towards the leader, while leaders’ pride expressions indirectly reduced satisfaction with and OCB towards the leader. Furthermore, leaders’ expressions of gratitude indirectly reduced followers’ intentions to leave the leader, while leaders’ expressions of pride indirectly fuelled them. Although ascriptions of selfishness consistently influenced these leader outcomes more strongly than comparable organizational outcomes, results on organizational outcomes were mixed. While leaders’ expressions of gratitude led, as expected, to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover intentions, leaders’ expressions of pride showed positive relations with both OCB towards the organization and intentions to leave the organization. We discuss the theoretical implications of leaders’ expressions of positive moral emotions as signals of outcome attributions, as well as leaders’ selfishness and practical implications that help leaders build followers’ satisfaction and positive leader–follower relationships.
(2019): Share Your Pride: How Expressing Pride in the Self and Others Heightens the Perception of Agentic and Communal Characteristics, Journal of Business and Psychology, 34 (6): 847-863.
Abstract: We reevaluate the proposition that pride expressions relate positively to ascriptions of agency and negatively to communality by studying self-referential pride and vicarious pride in others. While both signal a positive outcome, they differ in attributing it to one’s own or others’ efforts. Based on these differential attributions, we assume that the asymmetric pattern found for pride pertains to self-referential pride, whereas pride in others relates positively to communal dimensions and could even reverse the negative effect of self-referential pride. We examined expressions of self-referential and vicarious pride in two experiments (N1 = 286, N2 = 309) and a field study (N3 = 210) in peer and leadership contexts. We found pride in the self to relate positively (and independently from expressions of pride in others) to ascribed agency and autocratic leadership for peers, but only to the latter for leaders. For peers, pride in others was found to relate positively with communality and democratic leadership, and could even reverse negative effects of pride in the self. For leaders, the results primarily showed a negative relationship between pride in the self and both communality and democratic leadership. Our results provide first evidence that vicarious pride affects outcomes differently than self-referential pride, and integrate expressers’ power position as a critical moderator. Therein, we contribute to emotion research in outlining boundary conditions for the asymmetrical effects of expressing pride, thus helping individuals to anticipate the effects of self-referential and vicarious pride in peer and leadership contexts.
(2018): Do we work hard or are we just great? The effects of organizational pride due to effort and ability on proactive behavior, Business Research, 11 (2): 357-373.
Abstract: This study derives a conceptual framework for examining parallel and differential influences of organizational pride in employees’ efforts versus abilities on proactivity. Data from a field survey (N = 1218) confirm our theoretical model. Organizational pride in employees’ efforts and organizational pride in employees’ abilities both had positive indirect effects on proactive behaviors via affective organizational commitment. Yet, whereas organizational pride in employees’ efforts additionally had a direct positive effect on individual and team member proactivity, organizational pride in employees’ abilities showed a direct negative effect on proactive behaviors for the self, the team, and the organization including a behavioral measurement of employees’ provision of ideas for improvement. These findings contribute to the nascent literature on organizational pride by indicating towards employees as source of organizational pride, highlighting potential negative effects of organizational pride, and introducing the differentiation between employees’ efforts and abilities.
(2018): Support for quotas for women in leadership: The influence of gender stereotypes, Human Resource Management, 57 (4): 869-882.
Abstract: This study examines support for quotas for women in leadership, a currently highly debated topic in management research and practice. Using a sample of German working adults (N = 761), our results suggest that stereotypes about women (n = 380) are significantly related to support for quotas for women in leadership. Ascriptions of agency to typical women, that is, the extent to which women are generally seen as assertive, active, and strong, were positively related to participants' support for quotas for women in leadership in male‐gendered industries and high hierarchical positions, whereas ascriptions of communality to typical women, that is, the extent to which women are seen as understanding, supportive, and caring, were generally positively related. This pattern emerged for both male and female participants. Unexpectedly, gender‐stereotypic ascriptions to men (n = 381) were also related to support for quotas for women in leadership—with a positive relationship with agency in male‐gendered industries and a general negative relationship with communality, although these results were less pronounced. Implications for organizations are derived from these results, highlighting how the introduction of quotas for women in leadership can be smoothed by addressing how employees see women in terms of agency and communality.
(2018): How Does the Digital Transformation Affect Organizations? Key Themes of Change in Work Design and Leadership, management revue, 29 (2): 114-138.
Abstract: Due to recent technological advances, organizations currently face massive changes of their work design and leadership. Unfortunately, the exact nature of these changes is still unclear as most existing studies were conducted during earlier stages of the digital transformation and the available literature is highly fragmented. To provide an up-to-date overview on the changes in work design and leadership resulting from the digital transformation and to structure our existing knowledge in this domain, we conducted an open-ended online survey with 49 recognized digitalization experts and identified key themes of change. In sum, four key themes of change affecting both work design and leadership emerged, namely changes in work-life and health, the use of information and communication technology, performance and talent management and organizational hierarchies. In addition, two macro-level change dimensions regarding the structure of work and relationship-oriented leadership evolved. While some of the identified changes were partly covered in earlier studies, others have so far not received much attention despite their apparently high relevance in the current stage of the digital transformation. The results of this study therefore provide an important basis for future research and help organizations to strategically prepare for the requirements of the digital age.
(2018): Sparking Anger and Anxiety: Why Intense Leader Anger Displays Trigger Both More Deviance and Higher Work Effort in Followers, Journal of Business and Psychology, 33: 761-777.
Abstract: While previous research has assumed that intense leader anger displays result in negative consequences, researchers have recently started to outline their potential for prompting followers to improve their performance. We explain these conflicting positions by demonstrating that leaders’ anger intensity positively affects both deviance and work effort through triggering anger and anxiety in followers. We conducted two critical incident studies, replicating our results with different methodologies and controlling for potential alternative explanations. In line with theories on reciprocal emotions, supervisor-directed deviance became more likely with higher leader anger intensity because followers reacted with correspondingly more anger. However, in line with theories on complementary emotions, leaders’ anger intensity was also positively related to followers’ work effort due to followers’ anxiety. These results were replicated when taking leaders’ anger appropriateness into account as a potential moderator of the deviance-related path and when controlling for followers’ feelings of guilt (an alternative explanation for followers’ work effort). Our paper provides evidence that intense anger displays increase followers’ work effort but also cautions leaders to show these, as the work effort caused by them is based on followers’ intimidation and likely to be accompanied by deviant reactions. By considering the affective reactions triggered in followers, our paper integrates diverging theoretical perspectives on followers’ reactions to leaders’ anger intensity. Moreover, it is one of the first to disentangle the interpersonal effects that different expressions of the same emotion may have.
(2017): Leader pride and gratitude differentially impact follower trust, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 32 (6): 445-459.
Abstract: Purpose Current research suggests a positive link between followers’ perceptions of their leaders’ expression of positive emotions and followers’ trust in their leaders. Based on the theories about the social function of emotions, the authors aim to qualify this generalized assumption. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that followers’ perceptions of leaders’ expressions of specific positive emotions – namely, pride and gratitude – differentially influence follower ratings of leaders’ trustworthiness (benevolence, integrity, and ability), and, ultimately, trust in the leader. Design/methodology/approach The hypotheses were tested using a multimethod approach combining experimental evidence (n=271) with longitudinal field data (n=120). Findings Both when experimentally manipulating leaders’ emotion expressions and when measuring followers’ perceptions of leaders’ emotion expressions, this research found leaders’ expressions of pride to be consistently associated with lower perceived benevolence, while leaders’ expressions of gratitude were associated with higher perceptions of benevolence and integrity. Originality/value This paper theoretically and empirically establishes that leaders’ expressions of discrete positive emotions differentially influence followers’ trust in the leader via trustworthiness perceptions.
(2017): It’s the Base: Why Displaying Anger Instead of Sadness Might Increase Leaders’ Perceived Power but Worsen Their Leadership Outcomes, Journal of Business and Psychology, 32 (6): 691-709.
Abstract: Although research has shown that anger displays lead to more perceived power than sadness displays, sadness displays often result in more positive leadership outcomes than anger displays. Aiming to explain this discrepancy, we examine the specific power bases that are inferred from leaders’ anger versus sadness displays as potential explanatory mechanisms.
(2017): Investors’ reactions to companies’ stakeholder management: the crucial role of assumed costs and perceived sustainability, Business Research, 10 (1): 79-96.
Abstract: Companies regularly have to address opposing interests from their shareholding and non-shareholding stakeholder groups. Consequently, a wealth of previous research has focused on how CEOs decide which stakeholder management activities to pursue and prioritize. In contrast, however, surprisingly little research has considered how (potential) investors react to a company’s management of shareholding and non-shareholding stakeholders and what factors drive their reactions in such contexts. We seek to fill this gap in the literature by conducting an experimental scenario study (N = 997) in which investment behavior is analyzed in situations in which management has to make a trade-off between shareholders’ and non-shareholding stakeholders’ interests. Our results show that (potential) investors consider the assumed costs of fulfilling non-shareholding stakeholders’ interests and the perceived sustainability of doing so for corporate success when making investment decisions in such contexts. In cases of low costs or high sustainability, participants were more willing to invest in a company that favored non-shareholding over shareholding stakeholders (thereby deciding against their immediate financial interests), while the opposite was true in cases of high costs or low sustainability. With these results, our paper broadens stakeholder theory’s focus by taking individual investors’ reactions to corporate stakeholder management into account. Moreover, it both provides evidence for and extends the “Enlightened Stakeholder Theory”, which proposes that organizations should fulfill stakeholders’ interests if doing so contributes to long-term firm value enhancement, but has so far not considered the role of the costs necessary for fulfilling stakeholders’ claims in such decisions.
(2016): Expressing pride: Effects on perceived agency, communality, and stereotype-based gender disparities, Journal of Applied Psychology, 101 (9): 1319-1328.
(2016): Two facets of pride and helping, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31 (5): 976-988.
Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the influence of two different facets of pride – authentic and hubristic – on helping. Design/methodology/approach – Hypotheses were tested combining an experimental vignette study (n=75) with correlational field research (n=184). Findings – Results reveal that hubristic pride is associated with lower levels of intended helping compared with authentic pride when experimentally induced; further, trait hubristic pride is negatively related with helping, whereas trait authentic pride is positively related to helping, while controlling for alternative affective and cognitive explanations. Research limitations/implications – The use of vignettes and self-reports limits the ecological validity of the results. But when considered in combination, results provide important indications on how helping can be fostered in organizations: by emphasizing successes and the efforts that were necessary to achieve them. Originality/value – The results highlight the differential effects of discrete emotions in organizations.
Journal Articles (Professional)
(In press): Digitalisierung und Empowerment, Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell: .
(2018): More than a hard days work: Warum es uns und unserer Organisation hilft, wenn wir uns unserer Anstrengungen bewusst sind, Deutsche Universitätszeitung, 3: 119-127.
(2018): Democratic leadership in the digital age, Risk Management Review: 12-13.
(2018): Macht, Scham und Angst: Die Auswirkungen von hierarchischen Strukturen in Unternehmen, Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 2: 43-47.
(2018): Diversity Champions: BCG Gender Diversity Index 2017: White paper published by the Boston Consulting Group in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich, Boston Consulting Group: .
(2017): Der Mix entscheidet: Innovation durch Diversität: White paper published by the Boston Consulting Group in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich, Boston Consulting Group: .
(2016): Der Einfluss durch Emotionen, Human Resources Manager, 1: 72-76.
(2016): Ärger bei Führungskräften – Freund oder Feind?, Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 1: 54-56.
(2016): Die veränderte Rolle der Führungskraft im demokratischen Unternehmen, perspektiv:wechsel, 2: 18-19.
(2015): Employer branding for Universities: what attracts international postdocs?, Journal of Business Economics, 85 (7): 817-850.
Abstract: Employer branding for universities is an under-researched but highly important topic because it supports universities in the global competition to attract and retain the best academic talents. Academic work differs from corporate work with regard to, for example, task portfolios, autonomy, salaries, and reward systems. Thus, results of previous research gained from corporate settings about successful employer branding is not easily transferable to the university context. This study is the first to examine which employer branding attributes attract international postdoctoral scholars to academic positions. The results from an experimental metric conjoint design with 285 international postdoctoral scholars identify the relationship quality with a scientific mentor and scientific autonomy as the most important attributes. Furthermore, the availability of research scholarships, general training opportunities, and tenure track positions significantly increases the attraction of an academic position for postdoctoral scholars. In line with approaches on employer branding segmentation, we further show that job attributes differ in the strength of their positive influence on postdocs’ probability to apply for an academic position resulting from gender differences, field of research and geographic origin. In the conclusions of the paper, we discuss the implications of our findings for universities that aim to build a sustainable employer brand.
(2014): Identitäten und Rollen: Wissenschaftler im Karriereverlauf, Forschung und Lehre, 7: 546-547.
(2014): Wenn Gleiches unterschiedlich beurteilt wird: Die Wirkung unbewusster Rollenerwartungen, Organisationsentwicklung, 23 (4): 32-35.
(2013): Evaluations of One’s Own and Others’ Financial Rewards, Journal of Personnel Psychology, 12 (3): 105-114.
Abstract: Previous research indicates that trait positive affectivity (PA) directly and indirectly influences individuals’ evaluations of reward sizes. However, research shows conflicting results on the direction of PA’s moderating influence. Furthermore, past studies fail to differentiate evaluations of one’s own rewards versus rewards for others, which is particularly important as reward systems are designed from a third-person perspective. Our experimental design confirms PA’s direct and moderating effects on the evaluation of one’s own rewards, finding stronger positive relationship for small-to-moderate rewards but weaker positive relationship for moderate-to-large rewards. These evaluation processes further show that individuals high (low) in PA perceive their own rewards as being larger (smaller) than rewards for others. The discussion addresses the implications for designing reward systems in organizations.
(2018): Digital Work Design: Die Big Five für Arbeit, Führung und Organisation im digitalen Zeitalter, Campus Verlag: Frankfurt am Main, 9783593508511..
Abstract: Bislang sprechen wir über Digitalisierung im Kontext von Menschen und Führungsaufgaben, aber nie in Bezug auf Organisationen. Es müssen aber auch die strukturellen Voraussetzungen gegeben sein, wenn ein Unternehmen seine Kultur ändern soll. Das Team um Isabell Welpe hat in einem mehrjährigen Forschungsprojekt Unternehmen im Digitalisierungsprozess begleitet und analysiert. In diesem Buch präsentieren die Autorinnen erstmals die fünf Erfolgsfaktoren für den Switch zur digitalen Organisation. Zusätzlich zu den Big Five geben sie Führungskräften einen Selbstdiagnose-Check sowie einen 10-Punkte-Plan für die Praxis mit auf den Weg.
(2015): Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik, 1. Aufl., Springer Fachmedien: Wiesbaden, 978-3-658-09468-3..
Abstract: Experten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik beleuchten in diesem Buch die Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften umfassend und praxisnah. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge, Erfahrungsberichte und Interviews ermöglichen den Transfer zwischen Forschung und Praxis. Ein spezieller Fokus liegt auf dem Thema Frauen in Führung. Der Inhalt: · Herausforderungen bei der Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften · Auswahl und Beurteilung von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte · Lösungsmöglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften auf individueller, organisationaler, medialer und gesellschaftlich-politischer Ebene. Die Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe ist Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Strategie und Organisation der TU München. Sie forscht zu den Bereichen Führung, Zukunft der Arbeit, Einfluss von Digitalisierung auf Organisationen und Unternehmen sowie strategischer Innovation. Dr. Prisca Brosi ist Post-Doc am Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Organisation. Ihre Forschungsinteressen liegen im Bereich Führung, Diversity und Emotionen im Arbeitsleben. Dipl.-Psych. Lisa Ritzenhöfer ist Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Organisation. In ihrer Forschung beschäftigt sie sich mit Emotionen und Vertrauen in Führungskräfte. Dipl.-Psych. Tanja Schwarzmüller ist Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Organisation. Sie forscht zu Emotionen bei Führungskräften und Stereotypen in der Personalauswahl.
Conference Proceedings
: Willing to Lead, Not Willing to Follow: Gender-Specific Inferences from Pride Expressions, in: John Humphreys (ed.): The 76th Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, .
Abstract: Two experimental studies were conducted to investigate how willingness to lead and willingness to follow are influenced by pride expressions, and how these influences differ depending if the pride expresser is a man or woman. Results showed that individuals were seen as more willing to lead and less willing to follow when expressing pride than when expressing happiness. These effects were stronger for female pride expressers than for male pride expressers. In addition, the difference in how women and men were seen in willingness to lead and willingness to follow that was apparent when happiness was expressed, disappeared when pride was expressed. For willingness to lead, gender disparities were explained by perceptions of dominance, whereas for willingness to follow, gender disparities were explained by perceptions of other-focus.
: More than Just Power: Differential Effects of Anger Displays on the Bases of Power, in: John Humphreys (ed.): The 74th Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, .
Book Chapters
: Pride in organizations, in: Hitt, Michael (ed.): Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, Oxford University Press.
: Strategisches Personalmanagement im 21. Jahrhundert, in: Schwuchow, Karlheinz and Joachim Gutmann (ed.): HR-Trends 2018: Strategie, Kultur, Innovation, Konzeptev.14048, Haufe: Freiburg, 23-36.
: Führung 4.0 ‐ Wie die Digitalisierung Führung verändert, in: Hildebrandt, Alexandra and Werner Landhäußer (ed.): CSR und Digitalisierung: Der digitale Wandel als Chance und Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 617-628.
Abstract: Die digitale Transformation wird zu tiefgreifenden Veränderungen von Geschäftsmodellen, Organisationen und Arbeitsgestaltung führen. Entsprechend werden auch gänzlich neue Anforderungen an Führungskräfte gestellt. Um diese veränderten Anforderungen greifbar zu machen, haben wir eine großangelegte Befragung von Experten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Verbänden und Politik durchgeführt, deren Ergebnisse wir in diesem Kapitel vorstellen. Dabei betonten die befragten Experten, dass durch die digitale Transformation die Abgabe von Macht von Führungskräften an Mitarbeitende zunehmen wird, die Wichtigkeit wird von beziehungsförderndem und coachenden Verhalten von Führungskräften gegenüber Mitarbeitenden steigen und Führungskompetenzen wie Agilität, Veränderungsmanagement und Führung auf Distanz eine stärkere Rolle einnehmen werden. Mitarbeiterleistungen werden transparenter und sollten von Führungskräften daher entsprechend ergebnisorientiert bewertet werden. Darüber hinaus wird durch die Digitalisierung auch mehr Druck auf Mitarbeitende entstehen, welchen Führungskräfte durch gesundheitsbewusste Führung abfedern sollten. Führung selbst wird insgesamt stärker technologisiert, d. h. durch digitale Tools unterstützt, werden. Diese Veränderungen von Führung werden am Beispiel von Organisationen verschiedener Größen und Branchen illustriert.
: Zu wenig bekannt, aber durchaus akzeptiert: Die öffentiche Wahrnehmung von Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Führungspositionen, in: Welpe, Isabell M., Prisca Brosi, Lisa Ritzenhöfer and Tanja Schwarzmüller (ed.): Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik: 1. Aufl., Springer Fachmedien: Wiesbaden, 519-536.
: Erfolgreiche Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften – Ansatzpunkte für Individuen, Unternehmen und Politik, in: Welpe, Isabell M., Prisca Brosi, Lisa Ritzenhöfer and Tanja Schwarzmüller (ed.): Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik: 1. Aufl., Springer Fachmedien: Wiesbaden, 729-750.
: Führung im digitalen Zeitalter, in: Becker, Thomas and Carsten Knop (ed.): Digitales Neuland: Warum Deutschlands Manager jetzt Revolutionäre werden, Springer: Wiesbaden, 155-166.
Abstract: Durch die Digitalisierung verändert sich nicht nur die Gesellschaft, sondern auch die Arbeitswelt in zunehmendem Maße. Diese Entwicklung geht sowohl mit Chancen als auch mit Risiken für Mitarbeitende einher. Die Notwendigkeit, diese Chancen und Risiken effektiv zu managen, führt zu veränderten Anforderungen an Führungskräfte, welche beispielsweise flexible Arbeitsmodelle erfolgreich gestalten oder die Arbeit in globalen Teams ermöglichen müssen. In Summe stellen insbesondere die durch Digitalisierung zunehmende Komplexität, die beschleunigten Veränderungen inner- und außerhalb von Organisationen und der erhöhte Innovationsdruck Führungskräfte vor neue Herausforderungen. Im folgenden Beitrag werden diese näher beleuchtet und zentrale Verhaltensweisen für Führungskräfte aufgezeigt, um im digitalen Zeitalter erfolgreich führen zu können.
: Reducing perceived lack-of-fit: Promoting women's success by training stereotype-proof selection procedures, in: Welpe, Isabell M., Prisca Brosi, Lisa Ritzenhöfer and Tanja Schwarzmüller (ed.): Auswahl von Männern und Frauen als Führungskräfte: Perspektiven aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und Politik: 1. Aufl., Springer Fachmedien: Wiesbaden, 273-298.
: Die dunkle Seite der Führung: Negatives Führungsverhalten, dysfunktionale Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und situative Einflussfaktoren, in: Grote, Sven (ed.): Die Zukunft der Führung, Springer: Berlin, 269-290.
Abstract: Trotz der weitreichenden Konsequenzen von negativem Führungsverhalten, hat sich die Führungsliteratur bis vor circa 15 Jahren weitestgehend auf die Untersuchung von positivem Führungsverhalten beschränkt. Dieses Kapitel beleuchtet schlaglichtartig die noch junge Forschungsliteratur zu negativem Führungsverhalten, sowie dessen wichtigste Antezedenzien: dysfunktionale Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und situative Einflüsse. Negatives Führungsverhalten wird dabei weit umfassend als den Mitarbeitenden und/oder dem Unternehmen schadendes Führungsverhalten definiert. Nach einer Übersicht über die bisher noch sehr heterogene Landschaft unterschiedlicher Definitionen negativen Führungsverhaltens (d. h., beleidigende, tyrannische, aversive, despotische, und destruktive Führung), werden die drei wichtigsten dysfunktionalen Persönlichkeitsmerkmale in Bezug auf negative Führung vorgestellt: Narzissmus, Hybris und Machiavellianismus. Anschließend werden situative Einflüsse auf negatives Führungsverhalten untergliedert in Merkmale der Mitarbeitenden und Umwelteinflüsse diskutiert. Die Relevanz der Ergebnisse der Forschung zu negativer Führung wird im Hinblick auf die Einführung von Corporate Governance Richtlinien, Unternehmensinitiativen und einzelne Führungskräfte sowie der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Gesamtsituation näher betrachtet. Zum Abschluss werden drei wichtige zukünftige Trends in Bezug auf negative Führung ‐ die Rolle der Medien, die Virtualisierung der Arbeit, sowie die Globalisierung ‐ vorgestellt und deren Auswirkungen im Hinblick auf negative Führung diskutiert.