Prof. Dr. Moritz Petersen


Associate Professor in Sustainable Supply Chain Practice

Academic Director of Center for Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chains (CSLS)

Prof. Dr. Moritz Petersen


Associate Professor in Sustainable Supply Chain Practice

Academic Director of Center for Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chains (CSLS)

Selected Presentations


  • van Almsick, Ramón, and Moritz Petersen: Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Transport Sector: The Role of Credibility in Collaborative Decarbonization; 11th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Hamburg, Germany

  • Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, Maria Besio, and Moritz Petersen: Tax or Quota: A System Dynamics Analysis of the Impact of Legislation on the Use of Recycled Plastic; 11th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Hamburg, Germany

  • McGeough, Duncan, Johannes Meuer, and Moritz Petersen: Exploring the Pursuit of Net Positive Climate Contributions: An Empirical Study on Activities and Challenges of Pioneering Companies; 11th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Hamburg, Germany

  • Petersen, Moritz: Sustainable Supply Chains: When Aspiration Meets Reality; the 9th Africa Logistics Conference, Dakar, Senegal
  • Petersen, Moritz: Impulse Rund Um Logistik Und Nachhaltigkeit’; the Sovereign Speed Green Innovation Day, Hamburg, Germany


  • Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, Moritz Petersen, and Maria Besiou, ‘Closing the Loop for Plastic in High-Quality Applications’ (presented at the 10th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Hamburg, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz, Moritz Jäger-Roschko, and Maria Besiou, ‘Closing the Plastic Loop in High-Quality Applications’ (presented at the POMS 33rd Annual Conference, Orlando, USA
  • Petersen, Moritz: From Waste to Wealth: How Less Stuff Is the Key to a More Circular Economy; the Digital Hub Logistics, Hamburg, Germany



  • Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, and Moritz Petersen: Increasing the Use of Recycled Plastics: Exploring Transformation Needs along the e-Waste Recycling Supply Chain; the 2022 POMS Annual Conference, Miami, USA
  • Grafe, Beverly, Moritz Petersen, and Wolfgang Kersten: Enabling the Circular Economy through Product Information Sharing; the 2022 POMS Annual Conference, Miami, USA
  • Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, and Moritz Petersen: Towards Plastic Circularity: Managing Plastic Recycling Supply Chains; the 29th EurOMA Conference, Berlin, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: Impulse Rund Um Logistik Und Nachhaltigkeit; the Unternehmer Colloqium Spedition, Hamburg, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: All Signals on Green? Towards Net Zero Freight Transport Systems;  the Transport and Climate Change Week 2022, Berlin, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: Logistik... Endlich Einmal Teil Der Lösung Sein!;  the Logistics Summit 2022, Hamburg, Germany


  • Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, and Moritz Petersen: Improving Circularity through Information Sharing - Status Quo and Road Ahead; the 2021 POMS Annual Conference, Miami, USA
  • Petersen, Moritz: Decarbonizing Logistics: Halfway There or Barely Started?’ (presented at the News from the Logistics Think Tanks, Berlin, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: Decarbonizing Transport: On Track or Already Derailed?; the mFund - Transparency of CO2 Emissions in Transport, Berlin, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: Echt Nachhaltig! Welche Kompetenzen Die Logistik Jetzt Braucht;  the BVL Deutscher Logistik-Kongress, Berlin, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: Measuring Industry’s Temperature: An Environmental Progress Report on European Logistics; the BVL Webinar ‘Der Fahrplan nach #Netzero’, Berlin, Germany


  • Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Michael Knemeyer: The Fallacy of “Trickle-down” Product Sustainability; the KLU Research Seminar, Hamburg, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: More Sustainable Supply Chains: Challenges and Approaches;  the IFRC Climate:Red, Geneva, Switzerland


  • Petersen, Moritz: Competences and Education in Logistics: A Discussion Primer;  the FRAMELOG Workshop, Pisa, Italy
  • Petersen, Moritz: Global Logistics in a VUCA World; the One Biesterfeld Logistics Meeting, Hamburg, Germany


  • Petersen, Moritz: Blockchain in the MRO Industry; the Innovationsforum Blockchain, Hamburg, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: Exoskelett, Drohnen & Co.: Warum Logistik Mehr Als Kisten Stapeln Ist;  the Tag des Wissens, Hamburg, Germany


  • Petersen, Moritz, Alan McKinnon, Kai Hoberg, Christoph Flöthmann, and Christina Busch: Logistics Competencies, Skills, and Training: An International Study; the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics, Hamburg, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: Hamburg as a Harbour City and One of Europe’s Logistical Centers; presented at the Goethe Institut, Hamburg, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz: One Block at a Time: Crossing Borders with Blockchain Technology; presented at the KLU Thinks Big, Hamburg, Germany


  • Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Wolfgang Kersten: Berücksichtigung Der Nachhaltigkeit in Der Entwicklung Und Vermarktung von Konsumgütern; the Life Sciences Forschungskolloquium: Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit an deutschen Hochschulen, Hamburg, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Wolfgang Kersten: Nachhaltigkeit Als Zieldimension in Der Entwicklung von Konsumgütern; the Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung, Stuttgart


  • Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Wolfgang Kersten: Sustainability-Related Considerations in Joint Product Development Projects: An Experimental Approach; the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics, Hamburg, Germany
  • Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Wolfgang Kersten: Sustainability-Related Considerations in Product Development – An Experimental Approach;  the POMS 24th Annual Conference, Denver, USA