Selected Presentations
van Almsick, Ramón, and Moritz Petersen: Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Transport Sector: The Role of Credibility in Collaborative Decarbonization; 11th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Hamburg, Germany
Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, Maria Besio, and Moritz Petersen: Tax or Quota: A System Dynamics Analysis of the Impact of Legislation on the Use of Recycled Plastic; 11th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Hamburg, Germany
McGeough, Duncan, Johannes Meuer, and Moritz Petersen: Exploring the Pursuit of Net Positive Climate Contributions: An Empirical Study on Activities and Challenges of Pioneering Companies; 11th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: Sustainable Supply Chains: When Aspiration Meets Reality; the 9th Africa Logistics Conference, Dakar, Senegal
- Petersen, Moritz: Impulse Rund Um Logistik Und Nachhaltigkeit’; the Sovereign Speed Green Innovation Day, Hamburg, Germany
- Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, Moritz Petersen, and Maria Besiou, ‘Closing the Loop for Plastic in High-Quality Applications’ (presented at the 10th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz, Moritz Jäger-Roschko, and Maria Besiou, ‘Closing the Plastic Loop in High-Quality Applications’ (presented at the POMS 33rd Annual Conference, Orlando, USA
- Petersen, Moritz: From Waste to Wealth: How Less Stuff Is the Key to a More Circular Economy; the Digital Hub Logistics, Hamburg, Germany
- Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, and Moritz Petersen: Increasing the Use of Recycled Plastics: Exploring Transformation Needs along the e-Waste Recycling Supply Chain; the 2022 POMS Annual Conference, Miami, USA
- Grafe, Beverly, Moritz Petersen, and Wolfgang Kersten: Enabling the Circular Economy through Product Information Sharing; the 2022 POMS Annual Conference, Miami, USA
- Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, and Moritz Petersen: Towards Plastic Circularity: Managing Plastic Recycling Supply Chains; the 29th EurOMA Conference, Berlin, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: Impulse Rund Um Logistik Und Nachhaltigkeit; the Unternehmer Colloqium Spedition, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: All Signals on Green? Towards Net Zero Freight Transport Systems; the Transport and Climate Change Week 2022, Berlin, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: Logistik... Endlich Einmal Teil Der Lösung Sein!; the Logistics Summit 2022, Hamburg, Germany
- Jäger-Roschko, Moritz, and Moritz Petersen: Improving Circularity through Information Sharing - Status Quo and Road Ahead; the 2021 POMS Annual Conference, Miami, USA
- Petersen, Moritz: Decarbonizing Logistics: Halfway There or Barely Started?’ (presented at the News from the Logistics Think Tanks, Berlin, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: Decarbonizing Transport: On Track or Already Derailed?; the mFund - Transparency of CO2 Emissions in Transport, Berlin, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: Echt Nachhaltig! Welche Kompetenzen Die Logistik Jetzt Braucht; the BVL Deutscher Logistik-Kongress, Berlin, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: Measuring Industry’s Temperature: An Environmental Progress Report on European Logistics; the BVL Webinar ‘Der Fahrplan nach #Netzero’, Berlin, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Michael Knemeyer: The Fallacy of “Trickle-down” Product Sustainability; the KLU Research Seminar, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: More Sustainable Supply Chains: Challenges and Approaches; the IFRC Climate:Red, Geneva, Switzerland
- Petersen, Moritz: Competences and Education in Logistics: A Discussion Primer; the FRAMELOG Workshop, Pisa, Italy
- Petersen, Moritz: Global Logistics in a VUCA World; the One Biesterfeld Logistics Meeting, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: Blockchain in the MRO Industry; the Innovationsforum Blockchain, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: Exoskelett, Drohnen & Co.: Warum Logistik Mehr Als Kisten Stapeln Ist; the Tag des Wissens, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz, Alan McKinnon, Kai Hoberg, Christoph Flöthmann, and Christina Busch: Logistics Competencies, Skills, and Training: An International Study; the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: Hamburg as a Harbour City and One of Europe’s Logistical Centers; presented at the Goethe Institut, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz: One Block at a Time: Crossing Borders with Blockchain Technology; presented at the KLU Thinks Big, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Wolfgang Kersten: Berücksichtigung Der Nachhaltigkeit in Der Entwicklung Und Vermarktung von Konsumgütern; the Life Sciences Forschungskolloquium: Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit an deutschen Hochschulen, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Wolfgang Kersten: Nachhaltigkeit Als Zieldimension in Der Entwicklung von Konsumgütern; the Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung, Stuttgart
- Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Wolfgang Kersten: Sustainability-Related Considerations in Joint Product Development Projects: An Experimental Approach; the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics, Hamburg, Germany
- Petersen, Moritz, Sebastian Brockhaus, and Wolfgang Kersten: Sustainability-Related Considerations in Product Development – An Experimental Approach; the POMS 24th Annual Conference, Denver, USA