Library Collection

Opening hours:
Mon: 10am - 03pm (on campus)
Tue:  10am - 03pm (on campus)
Wed: 10am - 03pm (on campus)
Thu:  10am - 03pm (on campus)
Fri:    10am - 03pm (on campus)



Library Collection

Opening hours:
Mon: 10am - 03pm (on campus)
Tue:  10am - 03pm (on campus)
Wed: 10am - 03pm (on campus)
Thu:  10am - 03pm (on campus)
Fri:    10am - 03pm (on campus)



Discover the library collection using our search tools

Our collection in detail

Our KLU Library Search Engine allows you to search across all our full text databases and find available e-journal articles, e-books and print materials using only one search field.

It is perfect to start any literature search because it, just like a search engine, picks and sorts the most relevant search results for your query based on the keywords and search operators you enter. By submitting a search query, a metasearch is started including the library catalog, our online resources, and meta data. The tool uses a complex ranking algorithm to evaluate the relevance of the search results, like the internet search engines you normally use. Limiters and expanders are offered to refine or broaden your search results dynamically.

An integrated link resolver shows links to all platforms with full text access. It is possible to widen the search to encompass more information resources. Search results can also be limited to show only material which is full text available for KLU patrons. Full text resources such as e-journal articles and  e-books can be used within the KLU IP range. Please make sure that you have turned on your VPN connection to be able to access and download electronic material.

The KLU Library collection grows and develops constantly. We hold more than 8000 print books and 38000 eBooks, as we aim to mainly hold electronic resources. We work consistently to expand our collection, as outlined in the Collection Development Policy.

Apart from individual titles we also license a number of specific business-, management- and logistics e-book collections. All books and eBooks are searchable with our library search engine:


Most of our journals are available online. The KLU Library provides you with digital access to more than 10.000 journals via our licenses and subscriptions. You can also read print journals, magazines and newspapers (such as Harvard Business Review, The Economist or The New York Times) in the library, and borrow older issues of these.
Please note: KLU students, faculty and staff have remote access (when off-campus) through VPN.

Find journal articles:

  • Start with using our library search engine,
  • look for specific journals and browse available issues of our e-journals in the KLU Journal Viewer (BrowZine): Just enter the journal title in the search slot and you will get links to the journal.
  • You can also search via Google Scholar: if “Get Full Text at KLU” appears next to a search result, it indicates that you have full text access via the KLU Library.
  • If you want to do a more specific research, e.g. search for publishers from just one country, try searching directly in our Research Databases (e.g. LexisNexis, Business Source Complete) and use their advanced search functions.

If you encounter any problems accessing journals online, please feel free to contact us at or use the inbuilt message function to reach out to us for support. Most of the time, we are able to solve the issue and to find the full text for you.

The KLU library offers a collection of selected daily newspapers and magazines in print. Come to the campus library, pick and read the latest issue of The International New York Times, Hamburger Abendblatt, Handelsblatt, DVZ, The Economist or Harvard Business Manager.

If you prefer to read your favorite magazine online, use our Discovery Services to access newspaper and magazine articles. Simply tip in the periodical you are looking for and browse through the latest news stories. For instance, the database LexisNexis provides access to thousands of newspapers and magazines worldwide such as Financial Times, New York Times, Washington Post, The Economist, The Guardian, Le Figaro, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel and many others. You can also look up the title of a specific magazine or journal in our KLU Journal Viewer, which also shows you back issues.

Find out more about LexisNexis and other databases, including tutorials and overviews on our page research databases.

Full text-, fact- and bibliographical databases selected by the KLU Library.

These research databases are licensed and provided to you by the KLU Library. Most of them have IP-based authentication, which means that you don’t have to enter any log-in information if you are on campus. For off-campus access, please activate your VPN connection.

Check out the complete list of databases


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KLU Library

Information Management and Library