Research Databases
Full text-, fact- and bibliographical databases selected by the KLU Library.
These research databases are licensed and provided to you by the KLU Library. Most of them have IP-based authentication, which means that you don’t have to enter any log-in information if you are on campus. For off-campus access, please activate your VPN connection.
You are welcome to contact us with any questions about database access and licenses:
National licenses & partners

Facts // Coverage: 2011 -
AMECO is the annual macro-economic database of the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs.
The database is used for analysis and reports produced by the directorate general. It contains national accounts data and other country data such as interest rates, exchange rates and sectors for the member states of the European Union. The data is updated twice a year, in spring and fall.
Access information
AMECO Database
The database is freely accessible.
Useful information for research
EconomicsFinanceCountry InformationFacts and FiguresFinancial DataStatisticsFree Access

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
Full Text // Coverage: 1600 -
The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) is a search engine for academic web documents.
The index contains more than 400 million records, e.g. journal articles, preprints, digital collections, images/videos or research data from over 11,000 data providers.
BASE sets strict requirements for the inclusion of content providers in terms of quality and relevance and maintains a list of content providers for reasons of transparency.
It is operated by the Bielefeld University Library in Germany.
Access information
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
60% of the databases content is freely accessible. You can filter the search accordingly by selecting the “Open Access” checkbox.
Useful information for research
EconomicsLogisticsLeadershipManagementFood LogisticsMaritime LogisticsFull TextJournal ArticlesFree Access

Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles
Full Text // Coverage: 1879 - 2005
Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles is an extensive collection of online journals covering social sciences, life, health and physical sciences and the humanities.
Blackwell/Wiley Online Library hosts a broad collection of online resources. Its business and management titles include Journal of Accounting Research, The Journal of Finance, Production and Operations Management and Strategic Management Journal. Our license provides access to a backfiles collection of 242 titles.
Access information
Blackwell Publishing Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.
Useful information for research
Video Tutorials (Through the following link there are several tutorials available. To watch the tutorials you must register each time with your user name.)
Quick Reference Guide (4 pages)
ManagementJournal ArticlesFull TextKLU Access

Business Source Complete
Full Text // Coverage: 1886 -
Business Source Complete is a very comprehensive full text collection of peer-reviewed journals, books, case studies and seminar videos.
Business Source Complete provides a large full text collection for the most important scholarly business journals. Many of them are available in full text from the very first issue, and over 1200 are in full text from 2003 onwards. Additionally, the database provides access to books, case studies, faculty seminar videos, interviews and SWOT analyses. It covers all areas of business, including accounting, banking, computer science & MIS, economics, human resources, insurance, law, management, marketing, operations management, public administration and much more. It also gives access to company-, industry-, market research- and country reports from Datamonitor and Business Monitor International.
Access information
Business Source Complete Database
Business Source Complete is available via the database provider EBSCO. The database is accessible under KLU license.
Useful information for research
ManagementEnvironmentHumanitarian LogisticsJournal ArticlesFull TextCompany InformationCountry InformationIndustry InformationNews ArticlesKLU Access

Capital IQ (Compustat)
Facts // Coverage: 1950 -
S&P Capital IQ (Compustat) platform provides an extensive collection of standardized financial, statistical and market data on companies throughout the world, dating back to 1950.
Standard & Poor's (IQ Capital) Compustat holds financial, statistical and market information on companies throughout the world. It provides an extensive collection of standardized, consistent and comparable data on companies, industries and business cycles, available back to 1950. This resource provides tools, data and research for students, researchers, investors and analysts:
- Global Company Data: financials, fixed income, estimates and ownership, covering 99%+ of market cap globally
- Qualitative Data: key developments, transactions, profiles, people, relationships, private equity
- Macroeconomic and commodity data
- Search and screening tool to extract data via the platform or excel
Access information
Compustat Database
You have to register as a new user in order to access this database. Please follow the instructions on how to register as a new user found here, then go to Login here. Please contact the KLU Library with questions about access.
FinanceFinancial DataFacts and FiguresCompany InformationIndustry InformationKLU Access

Facts // Coverage: 1980 -
Clarksons offers two platforms: the commercial intelligence system, Shipping Intelligence Network, and the online register, World Fleet Register. Data offered are timely information on all aspects of shipping: over 135.000 vessels in service or on order, 40.000 companies and 600 shipyards as well as trade and commercial data, and over 100.000 time series. Access also includes the Shipping Intelligence Weekly.
Shipping Intelligence Network
A web-based intelligence system and source of commercial data on shipping and the shipping markets. The system includes wide ranging data, intelligence across most aspects of the shipping industry including vessel earnings, vessel values, fleet, newbuilding, market supply / demand, macro-economic data, trade flows and environmental technology.
World Fleet Register
A data and intelligence platform tracking Fleet, Eco Technology, Environmental Regulation and Markets. The functionalities and data include coverage of the world shipping fleet and companies, environmental technology (including alternative fuels and ESTs), newbuilding and ship repair market intelligence, insight and analysis across the maritime segment.
Access information
Clarksons Database
Please note that you need to sign up with an individual account to access the two platforms. Sign up procedure:
1. Register on the Clarkson website using a valid email domain from your university ( ‘’) at:!/ .
2. This automatically links you to the KLU Clarksons Shipping intelligence Network and World Fleet Register subscription.
3. After clicking a verify email link that will be send to you, you will have instant access to both websites using a single user name and password tied to your email address.
Useful information for research
Maritime LogisticsTransport LogisticsEnvironmentCompany InformationIndustry InformationMarket ResearchFacts and FiguresKLU Access

Bibliographical // Coverage: 1950 -
CORE (COnnecting REpositories) provides bibliographic information on open access research papers from various repositories and journals.
The database indexes research papers from data providers including institutional and subject repositories, preprint servers, and open access and hybrid journals. It currently contains 314 million open access articles collected from 12,000 data providers around the world. While most entries link to the Full Text article on the original publisher's site, or to a PDF available for download, five million records are hosted directly on CORE.
Access information
CORE Database
The database is freely accessible.
Useful information for research
EconomicsMathematicsResearchPsychologyBibliographic InformationJournal ArticlesFree Access

De Gruyter / Research Now (former Bepress)
Full Text // Coverage: 2000 -
de Gruyter / Research Now (former Bepress/Berkeley Electronic Press Academic Journals) is a selection of more than 100 prominent peer-reviewed e-journals on Business, Politics and Law.
Research Now publishes more than 100 peer-reviewed and current e-journals in the fields of Business, Politics and Law, including the B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Business and Politics, Global Economy Journal, Journal of Time Series Econometrics, Review of Law & Economics and Review of Marketing Science. Available via the publisher de Gruyter, who acquired bepress’s journal portfolio.
Access information
De Gruyter Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.
Useful information for research
ManagementEconomicsJournal ArticlesFull TextKLU Access

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Bibliographical // Coverage: 2002 -
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a directory of electronic journals that are freely accessible on the internet in accordance with the principles of Open Access.
It currently lists over 20,970 journals and over 10.5 million articles from 136 countries and 80 languages covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and the humanities. The directory was launched in 2003 at the Swedish University of Lund; since 2013 it has been operated by the British non-profit organization IS4OA (Infrastructure Services for Open Access).
Access to publications is provided via links to full texts.
Access information
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
The database is freely accessible.
EconomicsManagementLeadershipJournal ArticlesBibliographic InformationFree Access

EBSCO Business Collection eBooks
Full Text // Coverage: 1960 -
EBSCO Business Collection eBooks provides full access to a selection of business and economics eBooks on the EBSCO platform.
The Business Collection, provided by EBSCO, offers more than 21,700 e-book titles selected to assist in business research and to provide students with a better understanding of general business concepts. Content within the collection encompasses a variety of business topics, such as marketing, finance, computers and technology, human resources and public relations, with additional focus on career development, business ethics, leadership and management. New titles are regularly added to the package.
Access information
EBSCO Business Collection eBooks Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.
Useful information for research
ManagementEconomicsFinanceLeadershipCareer DevelopmenteBooksFull TextKLU Access

EBSCO General Collection eBooks
Full Text // Coverage: 1611 -
EBSCO General Collection eBooks contains full access to a selection of business, economics and management eBooks on the EBSCO platform.
The General Collection, available via the database provider EBSCO, offers more than 10,700 e-book titles. The database covers several topics in research, such as leadership and organizational behavior, entrepreneurship, economic development and risk management, international trade and investment and many more. New titles are regularly added to the package.
Access information
EBSCO General Collection eBooks Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.
Useful information for research
ManagementEconomicsFinanceLeadershipCareer DevelopmenteBooksFull TextKLU Access

Bibliographical // Coverage: 1400 -
EconBiz is a research platform that provides bibliographical data on more than 12 million publications in the field of economics and is operated by the ZBW - Leibniz Information Center for Economics.
It offers searches for specialist journals, working papers and conference proceedings in business administration and economics.
The section "Research skills" contains tips on literature search, citations and academic writing.
Around 2 million publications are directly available as Open Access full texts.
Access information
The database is freely accessible.
Useful information for research
EconomicsManagementBibliographic InformationFree Access

Full Text // Coverage: 1997 -
The Economist is a newspaper covering world news, politics, economics, business & finance. New issues are published weekly.
The Economist is an international newspaper printed in magazine-format and published digitally. Its primary focus is current affairs, international business, politics, technology, and culture, but it also runs regular sections on science and technology as well as books and the arts.
A print version of The Economist is also available in the library.
Access information
The Economist Database
You have to sign up with an individual account using a valid email domain from your university ( ‘’ // ‘’) in order to access the articles. Please follow the instructions on how to register as a new user found here.
Please contact the KLU Library with questions about access.
EconomicsFinanceNewsNews ArticlesFull TextKLU Access

Full Text // Coverage: 1873 -
EconStor is a repository for economic research material, operated by the ZBW - Leibniz Information Center for Economics.
It provides open access to research literature, including working and discussion papers, conference contributions, articles from specialist journals, and dissertations. The majority of the publications originate from economic institutions in Germany and are made available on the basis of user agreements. In addition, individual researchers also have the opportunity to upload their academic work to EconStor.
With more than 280.000 full texts, EconStor is one of the largest repositories in its scientific discipline.
Access information
The database is freely accessible.
Useful information for research
EconomicseBooksJournal ArticlesFree AccessFull Text

Edward Elgar E-Book Archive
Full Text // Coverage: 1993 - 2015
The Edward Elgar e-book archive provides access to econometric e-books, published between 1993 and 2015.
The Edward Elgar E-Book Archive is part of the online content platform Elgaronline for Edward Elgar Publishing. It includes scholarly research monographs, Research Handbooks, companions, dictionaries, encyclopedia and journals covering a variety of subjects: Business and Management, Development Studies, Economics and Finances, Environment, Innovation and Technology, Law, Research Methods, and others.
Access information
Edward Elgar Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.
Useful information for research
Under the section Help you can find various How-To videos that introduce you to different features and functions of Elgaronline.
ManagementFinanceEnvironmenteBooksFull TextKLU Access