Research Databases: Alphabetical list


AMECO Database
The database is freely accessible.

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
60% of the databases content is freely accessible. You can filter the search accordingly by selecting the “Open Access” checkbox.

Blackwell Publishing Journal Backfiles

Blackwell Publishing Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Business Source Complete

Business Source Complete Database
Business Source Complete is available via the database provider EBSCO. The database is accessible under KLU license.

Capital IQ (Compustat)

Compustat Database
You have to register as a new user in order to access this database. Please follow the instructions on how to register as a new user found here, then go to Login here. Please contact the KLU Library with questions about access.


Clarksons Database
Please note that you need to sign up with an individual account to access the two platforms. Sign up procedure:
1. Register on the Clarkson website using a valid email domain from your university ( ‘’) at:!/   .
2. This automatically links you to the KLU Clarksons Shipping intelligence Network and World Fleet Register subscription.
3. After clicking a verify email link that will be send to you, you will have instant access to both websites using a single user name and password tied to your email address.

De Gruyter / Research Now (former Bepress)

De Gruyter Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
The database is freely accessible.

EBSCO Business Collection eBooks

EBSCO Business Collection eBooks Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

EBSCO General Collection eBooks

EBSCO General Collection eBooks Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.


The database is freely accessible.


The Economist Database
You have to sign up with an individual account using a valid email domain from your university ( ‘’ // ‘’) in order to access the articles. Please follow the instructions on how to register as a new user found here.
Please contact the KLU Library with questions about access.


The database is freely accessible.

Edward Elgar E-Book Archive

Edward Elgar Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

ELFI (Electronic Research Funding Information)

ELFI Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Elsevier Economics Series eBooks

Elsevier Handbooks in Economics Series Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Elsevier Journal Backfiles

Elsevier Journal Backfiles Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Emerald Business, Management and Economics Collection eBooks

Emerald eBook Series Collection Business, Management and Economics Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Emerald Fulltext Archive

Emerald Insight Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Emerald Operations and Logistics Management eJournal Collection

Emerald Operations, Logistics and Quality Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Emerald Social Sciences Collection eBooks

Emerald Social SciencesCollection eBooks Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Emerald Transport Collection eBooks

Emerald Transport Collection eBooks Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

European Sources Online (ESO)

European Sources Online (ESO)
The database is freely accessible.

Eurostat Database

The database is freely accessible.

Informs / PubsSuite

Informs/PubsSuite Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.


JSTOR Database
There are different collections available via JSTOR and the KLU license provides access to Business I, II and III.


MathSciNet Database
Please use the "KLU Access" button beside the search results to check whether we have full text access in another KLU database to the resources you are interested in.


NexisUni Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

OECD iLibrary

OECDiLibrary Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Oxford Journals

Oxford Journals Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Palgrave Economics and Finance Collection / Springer

Palgrave Economics and Finance Collection Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Passport by Euromonitor

Passport Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.


PsycArticles Database
PsycArticles is available via the database host OvidSP.

Refinitiv Workspace + Datastream

Refinitv Workspace + Datastream
Due to a limited number of licenses, access to this database is primarily intended for KLU researchers and thesis students. Please enquire about access and request an account by contacting the KLU Library at

Sage Journals Online

Sage Journals Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

ScienceDirect (College Edition)

ScienceDirect Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.


Scopus Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

SpringerNature DEAL

SpringerNature DEAL Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

SpringerNature eBook Business and Management + Economics Collection

SpringerNature eBook Business and Management + Economics Collection Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.


Statista Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Web of Science

Web of Science Database
The database is accessible under KLU license. Licensed databases also include SSCI + SSIE Archives and Journal Citation Reports. The KLU coverage for these analytical tools are 1985 - current.

Wiley DEAL

Wiley DEAL Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

Wiley InterScience Backfile Collections

Wiley InterScience Backfile Collections Database
The database is accessible under KLU license.

World Bank Open Knowledge Repository

World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR)
The database is freely accessible.

WTO Documents Online

WTO Documents Online
The database is freely accessible. A small number of official documents are first issued with a restricted status; access to these items is reserved for WTO members.

zbMATH Open

zbMATH Open Database
The database is freely accessible.