Unrolling enrollment: A quick guide to make the bureaucracy painless and successful

You made it! Now you are officially one of us (“one of us, one of us…”). Your study contract is signed, your spot is secured, and your journey as a KLU student is about to begin. A lot of intense and fun moments are ahead of you, but the first stop is slightly less exciting: Yep, paperwork! Don’t worry though, because at KLU we have simplified the process as much as possible and we also have amazing people working in Student Services (your new go-to department from now on) who will help you along the way.
(Reading time: 6 minutes, 7 seconds)
It all starts with an email
As soon as you have secured your study place by signing your contract and paying the deposit, Student Services will send you a welcome email with a link to Moodle. Moodle is the internal platform KLU uses to keep track of all the important information for your studies and, for the next years, it will be a fierce competitor to your Instagram for scrolling time. No log in required, just click on the provided link, choose your study program and find all the information you need to start your enrollment. In addition, you’ll be invited into the KLU family and to interact with our students in our chat and our closed Facebook group. Also, all information can be found on Moodle. Our advice? Start making contacts right away! Our students are happy to help newbies!
Check, check, check
Bureaucracy can get messy (how did we even do it before computers were a thing?), and that’s why a checklist is very useful to make sure you come with your homework done. KLU provides the checklist for you so you can focus on your “fall/winter collection” outfit packing checklist! Together with the application for enrollment (the most important document) and some other internal KLU documents you need to read and sign (such as data compliance permissions), you will need to submit further information for your enrollment as a student. All documents can be simply filled in and signed digitally and then need to be submitted via email. You can see other documents that will be required below but please don’t rely on this article to prepare them. You will see in the real checklist that you will find on Moodle which documents apply to you.
- Your passport (and visa, if needed) - we promise to not judge the picture!
- Proof of health insurance in Germany: you have to be insured in Germany by a health insurance company (Krankenkasse) which costs around 120€/month for students. Public Krankenkassen have an electronic report system. You will need to ask your insurance provider to notify KLU of your insurance, in which case you won’t need to hand over that document. This is obviously very important, and your enrollment can’t proceed without it. We need to ensure your safety!
- An ex-matriculation certificate (only for graduates of a German university).
- We won’t ask you for proof of a blocked bank account, but this is required in many countries to apply for the correspondent visa.
- You should bring the originals of your previous degree certificate and transcript of records with you on campus. Yes, we know you sent it already scanned during the admission process, but the admissions office needs to check the “real deal” during KLU’s Welcome Week.
Say cheeeeeeeese
The last piece that Student Services will need for your student file is a nice picture of yourself which will go into our internal system. It must be in business attire and with a plain background. Bring your best smile so we can brag of having not only smart, but also astonishing students!

Our turn!
Once Student Services has all your information and your smiling face in their files, they will include your profile in the system as a student, create your student email account, and, what is most important, enroll your specific study program. Are you looking forward to seeing your name in the attendance list?
On top of this, Student Services will assist with the topic accommodation. We know this is priority for you! In June students receive an email with the information to apply for the available spots of KLU in dorms around Hamburg. Since the spots are limited, Student Services gives everyone the same chances to get one by drawing a lot and assigning the places one by one. So, if you are one of those that always get good cards playing poker, maybe your luck will get you a room in Hamburg too. Otherwise, don’t worry, you’ll have more resources and can get ahead by checking the Accommodation Guide (you’ll receive the link to it from Student Services) and reading this article about finding accommodation.
Gimme gimme gimme
Since you started your application to KLU, you have been sending our way lots of information and documents. Now that you are an enrolled student, it is your time to receive. At the end of August, once the process in completed, you will receive through email your KLU log in credentials (who are we without wifi?) and your Moodle credentials. In September, during the “Welcome Week” you will receive, as well, your student ID card (student discounts, come to me!), the IT login credentials (who are we without wifi?) and your digital transportation ticket that allows you to move freely throughout all Hamburg areas AND across Germany. Do you need something else? Students Services is a very generous department! So, if you need specific documents from them for your visa, travels, or any other matter, they will be happy to help you!
Not too little, not too much
We want this whole process to be easy, efficient, and painless for you because, let’s be honest, we all hate bureaucracy! With that in mind we have gathered some last tips to tackle some of the most common queries we encounter every year. Make sure to follow them and we promise you’ll save time, stress, and countless emails back and forth.
- The enrollment application and the proof of health insurance are key documents! We simply cannot continue without them.
- If you just graduated and are still waiting for your degree certificate, Student Services can nevertheless do a preliminary enrollment for you. Make sure to send your transcript of records and a confirmation from your university that you have achieved at least 130 ECTS of your degree to the Admissions Team.
- Health insurance is required for exchange students too, and unfortunately a travel insurance is not enough for the entire exchange semester. Make sure you have a valid German or European health insurance.
- Don't forget to pack the original certificates of your previous degree in your suitcase! The Admissions Office needs to check them in the Welcome Week or at the latest during the first weeks of your studies!
- Be sustainable and think before you print. All enrollment documents can be signed digitally and just need to be submitted via email. Every time you unnecessarily print something, a ladybug cries.
Happy enrollment! Next step: having fun in Hamburg ;)

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Student Services, Email: studentservices@klu.org
Student Recruitment, Email: study@klu.org