Library Services & Support

Opening hours:
Mon: 10am - 03pm (on campus)
Tue:  10am - 03pm (on campus)
Wed: 10am - 03pm (on campus)
Thu:  10am - 03pm (on campus)
Fri:    10am - 03pm (on campus)


Library Services & Support

Opening hours:
Mon: 10am - 03pm (on campus)
Tue:  10am - 03pm (on campus)
Wed: 10am - 03pm (on campus)
Thu:  10am - 03pm (on campus)
Fri:    10am - 03pm (on campus)


Library Services & Support

A team of professional and enthusiastic librarians support library users looking for information and literature. Library introductions and trainings are offered regularly to KLU users, also as individual appointments. Tutorials can be accessed online or on campus.  

We support students and researchers finding literature, data and information resources, to prepare for class, assignments and publishing. KLU students writing their thesis benefit from additional services. For a full overview of the services offered please see the links below or consult the news and information available on our e-learning platform Moodle.

In order to use the library and information services, you need your KLU Student ID or library card. If you are not affiliated with the KLU and need to use our library materials, please contact us beforehand.

When starting your studies at the KLU, you will receive your Student ID that combines many important functions and will also serve as your library card. This is compulsory to borrow books and other materials, make reservations and to renew your loans. After you enrolled at the KLU, the library will setup your personal user account. Please note that by making use of the library services you agree to the usage regulations of the KLU Library.

Library number
Your registration number (on your Student ID) will serve as your library user number.

Your personal library account
With your personal library account you can check out book, renew your loans and make reservations for books you need.

Besides KLU Students also KLU Alumni have access to all library services on-site, for example they can use books and e-resources at the library. It is also possible to borrow books for Alumni still living in Hamburg.

Please make sure to return all borrowed material to the library before leaving the campus for an extended period of time (for example an exchange) or after finishing your program.

Loan periods, renewals and reservations – learn all about it.    

Loan periods
Loan periods are indicated by colored dots on the books’ backs.
Generally, books are for loan for 28 days, indicated by a green dot on the book’s back.
For course literature, there is a reference copy always available in the Library. These copies, indicated by a red dot, can only be borrowed overnight if needed. Two more copies are available for loan for 7 days – indicated by a yellow dot. Additionally, reference materials as encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, magazines and newspapers or theses are only available as reference copies. You can borrow up to 20 items at a time.  Please make sure you check out any materials you want to take from the library at the library service desk.

Renewal of loans via your personal library account
You can check your user account (currently unavailable) at any time to see due dates or to renew your loans. You can renew only green dot books, provided there are no pending reservations. Course literature books can only be renewed by the library staff. Please note that you cannot renew a loan that has expired or that someone else has already reserved, and that required course literature (yellow dot) can only be renewed by the library staff.

Overdue / late returns
If one of your loans is due to be returned in a few days, you will automatically receive an email reminder. Once the due date is passed, you will not be able to extend your loans any more.  
After you receive the third reminder, your library account will be blocked, and can only be reactivated by returning the borrowed materials to the library. If you don’t return the materials after the third reminder, we will replace them at your expenses.
Make sure to return all library materials before leaving the campus for any extended period of time or after your employment with the KLU ended.

Information literacy, the effective and certain handling of information, is a skill that can be learned, and a natural part of the curriculum at the KLU. The library supports this by offering courses for students, faculty and staff. Modules offer all levels from basic to advanced search skills and gradually build research competences.

The modules aim to match different needs from the very first steps in studying and research to the preparation of a thesis or other academic writing and publishing. Take a course and improve your research skills:

Module 1: Introducing KLU search tools and basic search skills. First steps in recognizing and distinguishing between different types of publications and basic knowledge on references.

Module 2:  Gives an understanding of a defined search strategy and advanced search skills. Also approaches how to select appropriate sources and to evaluate information.

Module 3: Advanced evaluation and organizing of information and extended knowledge of using the information found for academic writing, for example thesis writing.

The KLU Library also regularly offers database training sessions in order to enable an efficient and relevant use of the many electronic resources provided by the KLU Library.

Dates and details for participation for the training sessions are announced in advance. Please contact the KLU Library to learn when the next training takes place or to inquire about a training appointment.

The KLU Library helps you to get started with your thesis research – and supports you the whole way from start to finish. Here is an overview of what we offer:

  • Access to top business databases: exclusive access to more than 10.000 e-journals, e-books and papers. Have a look at the page research databases for the full list.
  • Book a librarian: set up an appointment with an information professional to get useful advice on how to perform a good literature search on your research topic, which databases to use and how to evaluate what you find.
  • Smart Search Skills – participate in our information literacy trainings. Trainings are announced on Moodle.
  • Take advantage of books or articles delivered from other libraries: detailed information on Moodle.
  • Use a literature reference management software to keep track of what you read and produce literature lists and notes. Read about the options here. Group trainings also possible.
  • Access other libraries in Hamburg: we can help you to search their collections and to get a library card. Please check here for further information.
  • Request database trainings on LexisNexis, EBSCO, JSTOR and so forth.: send an email to in order to arrange an appointment. Small group-trainings possible.

The KLU Library provides access to research databases, e-journals and e-books on- and off-campus. These e-resources have IP-based authentication, which means that you do not have to enter any log-in information when on campus.

For off-campus access, KLU Students, Faculty and Staff require remote access via VPN (Virtual Private Network). You have to install the VPN-client on your computer; please find information further below about how to set up a VPN-access for yourself.
Please use our discovery services or the links indicated under research databases and on the homepage for your search. If you have any problems connecting to the databases or e-journals, please send us an email.

How to install the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client on your computer: please follow the instructions in the VPN Installation Manual.

Please contact the service desk if you experience any problems with the set up.

KLU Library users may use the resources held or licensed by the library for academic or private research purposes only, and must comply at all times with the copyright holders’ terms and conditions and with German copyright law. The following restrictions apply:

Copying for private study or research:
One may photocopy or save digitally for one's personal research use:

  • Books: maximum 75 %
  • Single journal articles, papers and other "smaller" works in full
  • Out-of-print works (since at least two years) in full

Copying for study- or research group:
One may photocopy or save digitally for non-commercial and audit purposes under the following conditions:

  • May only be made digitally accessible on password-protected intranets for research team members- or group.
  • Indicate / reference source
  • Books: maximum 15 %
  • Single journal articles, papers and other "smaller" works in full
  • Out-of-print works (since at least two years) in full

The KLU does not condone plagiarism. To ensure the high quality of its publications, we use a plagiarism detection software to check admission papers, theses and other works. For correct referencing there are guidelines that provides information on the proper citation styles for written assignments and theses.  Practical aspects of working with citations and references are also part of the Library’s Information Literacy Training.

Reference management software is a comfortable way of keeping track of ones citations. Among the many existing tools, the Library has made a selection of the ones most commonly used at universities. Read more about them here.

Please contact the KLU Library with any questions you might have on copyright, plagiarism or Reference Management.


think-cell is a Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel add-in with dozens of features that together enable users to quickly create complex data-driven charts, maintain a presentation's structure with auto-updating agendas, and consistently round numbers in Excel sheets.

For further information on think-cell’s capabilities visit Download the latest version of the think-cell plug-in from the think-cell side.

The current license key for KLU students and staff is available upon request from Prof. Dr. Kai Hoberg (  Please send a mail from your official KLU account.

After successful installation you will be prompted for your license key the next time you start Microsoft PowerPoint. The transfer of the license key to people outside KLU is prohibited. By downloading and installing the software you agree that you have read and understood this requirement and the license agreements.

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KLU Library

Information Management and Library