Macro Logistics Analysis of German Food Supply
Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich (Assistant Professor of Freight Transportation - Modelling and Policy ) will held his Inaugural on the topic "Macro Logistics Analysis of German Food Supply". The lecture is open to the public. Space is limited, so please register ahead of time.
Past event — 21 March 2018
Kühne Logistics University
Grosser Grasbrook 17, 20457 Hamburg, Room Lecture 4, 1st Floor / Reception -> Foyer
Spoken language
Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich
Associate Professor of Freight Transportation - Modelling and Policy
Kühne Logistics University - KLU
Macro logistics analysis refers to logistics systems of sectors not companies. While this kind of analysis originates in macroscopic freight transport demand modelling, it includes more logistics details and focuses on specific sectors. Thus, new sectoral research questions can be addressed. An example is the analysis of impacts of outsourcing on freight transport demand. Another example is the analysis of risks in food supply: what happens if demand for bottled water increases due to a tap water damage? How much food inventory does a region have if supply breaks down? How did EHEC travel through the food distribution network?
The models developed for these questions combine descriptive approaches from macroscopic transport modelling with normative models from operations research. For example: a Multi-Regional-Input-Output (MRIO) model describes flows between sectors and regions, the flows between regions are estimated with a calibrated gravity model. With optimization approaches we can determine new allocations of flows to calculate worst or best case scenario for the impact analysis.
The results of model applications demonstrate the new possibilities: we can quantify the range of macroscopic transport impacts of outsourcing, determine weak spots of logistics systems in extreme events or trace back food borne diseases like EHEC more reliable.
Hanno Friedrich is Assistant Professor of Freight Transportation - Modelling and Policy. He studied Industrial Engineering at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). After having finished his diploma in 2004, he worked for six years at McKinsey & Company, a strategic management consulting firm. Within this time, he did his Doctorate at the KIT under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Werner Rothengatter. After working for one year as a Postdoc at the KIT he received a call for a Junior Professorship in the area of commercial transport at the TU Darmstadt in 2011. Since September 2015 he is Assistant Professor at Kühne Logistics University (KLU) in Hamburg.
His research topics are freight transport demand modelling, transport economics, risk management in transport and logistics, and food logistics.