Global Container Shipping - Performance and Challenges
On March 23rd, 2011 Dr. Ottmar Gast, Hamburg Süd will give a lecture on the topic "Global Container Shipping - Performance and Challenges". The lecture is open to the public. Space is limited, so please register ahead of time.
Past event — 23 March 2011
Spoken language

Dr. Ottmar Gast
Hamburg Süd
The global container shipping market looks back on some 50 years of nearly non-interrupted growth. Since the invention of the container, increasing productivity and ship-sizes helped the market to capture the largest share of today’s global general cargo volumes (excluding bulk-cargo and liquids) and achieve double-digit growth rates in average over time.
However, the global economic crisis hit the industry hard: for the first time in history total market volumes decreased in 2009. The fast recovery of the market in 2010 clearly demonstrates the necessity of global shipping markets for today’s highly industrialized world. But the volatility in volumes and prices will continue to be a challenge for liner-carriers. Together with a changing market environment and increasing costs, this forms the challenging characteristics of the future global container markets.
In his guest lecture, Dr. Gast will briefly introduce Hamburg Süd and its service offerings followed by a short introduction to the global market for container shipping. Emphasis will be but on the past performance of the market and the high degree of volatility associated with it. Dr. Gast will also highlight general and future-directed challenges for the industry. At the end of the lecture, an open discussion about the subject would be highly welcomed.
To register please send an email to:
The Lecture Series
The KLU Lecture Series is a forum for scientists and practitioners to talk and discuss on state-of-the art topics related loosely to logistics and entrepreneurship.