Emerging environmental and social issues in global supply chains
Past event — 14 February 2019
Kühne Logistics University
Grosser Grasbrook 17, 20457 Hamburg, Room EE Lecture 2
Spoken language
The convergence of sustainable development in supply chains is high on the agenda of policy makers. The UN has launched its 17 Sustainable Development Goals that relate to the areas of climate change and migration. This Ph.D. project focuses on how the global community can respond to challenges associated with these two topics. First of all, it examines the enforcement of a bunker levy scheme as an emission reduction measure in international shipping. In addition, it deals with the maritime search and rescue operational response to migration by sea.
Vasileios Kosmas is a PhD Candidate in the field of Maritime Logistics at the Kühne Logistics University since February 2015. His PhD program under the supervision of Professor Dr. Michele Acciaro specializes in sustainable shipping and runs in cooperation with the Copenhagen Business School.
Vasileios received his MSc degree in Marine Transport with Management from Newcastle University in 2014. His gain in expert theoretical knowledge and the improvement of his research skills contributed to his achievement of being awarded his MSc with distinction (i.e. First Class Honours). In addition, Vasileios received a distinction grade for his final thesis with the title “Inland waterway shipping of containers in Germany”. The thesis presented the up-to-date role of this mode of container transport in Germany’s logistics system (environmental friendliness, economic considerations, social aspects etc.) and identified also if there are any potentials for its further market expansion.