Coordination and collaboration approaches in food supply chains
Zoom Research Seminar

Past event — 2 November 2021
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Nina Mayer
PhD Candidate
Kühne Logistics University - KLU
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Rethinking and reshaping our food system is crucial in the fight against climate change and food insecurity for our growing world population. Despite current progress towards this goal, inefficiencies along the complex food supply chains persist, wasting economic, environmental, and social resources. One overarching reason for these inefficiencies is a lack of supply chain integration. To address this, our research looks at how coordination and collaboration across the supply chain can reduce these inefficiencies, and thus support more sustainable food supply chains. Project one focuses on a dual-channel agricultural supply chain under yield and demand uncertainty and investigates whether easy to implement wholesale-price-only contracts can coordinate the supply chain. The second project investigates horizontal collaboration potentials in regional food supply chains. Project three looks at upcycling food as a mutually beneficial approach between partners of different food supply chains to not only reduce food waste in the system as a whole, but also to create more sustainable foods through collaboration.
Nina Mayer joined Kühne Logistics University as a PhD Candidate in the field of food supply chain management under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sandra Transchel and Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich in September 2020. Overall, she investigates how collaboration and coordination approaches can make food supply chains more efficient and sustainable. With her research, she contributes to the project "Contract-based coordination of multi-level fresh food supply chains with the aim of reducing food waste" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Nina holds a B.Sc. in Economics and Management from the Leibniz University Hannover, and a M.Sc. in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the Kühne Logistics University. She conducted her Master thesis "Data-Driven Decision-Making in Liquid Bulk Logistics" in collaboration with Hoyer GmbH, in which she developed a statistical model for predictive analytics.