Operated by Kühne Logistics University (KLU)
The International Open and User Innovation (OUI) Conference is the leading academic conference on user innovation and open innovation, two closely related paradigms that have changed our thinking about the organization of innovation over the last decades.
Organized by the Open and User Innovation Society since 2002, the OUI Conference brings together researchers from around the world to discuss recent research on open and user innovation, innovation toolkits, innovation communities, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, open source software and open hardware, user-producer collaboration, innovation platforms and ecosystems, user entrepreneurship, open innovation policies, and related topics.
The community of scholars meeting at OUI is characterized by a very open, developmental academic culture sharing plenty of feedback and ideas. The conference mainly targets an academic audience of faculty, senior researchers, and PhD students, but is also open to policy makers interested in open and user innovation.
OUI is multi-disciplinary and covers disciplines such as innovation management, strategic management, organization design, marketing, entrepreneurship, and public policy, but also healthcare, psychology, law and industrial engineering.
Kühne Logistics University (KLU) is a private university in the heart of Hamburg. It is one of very few private universities in Germany that can confer Ph.D. degrees; around 60 Ph.D. students are currently enrolled at KLU. The faculty members are from the logistics or management departments. The 2019 Wirtschaftswoche ranking identifies KLU as one of the strongest research universities in Business Administration in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
KLU is located in HafenCity, which is “known for the landmark Elbphilharmonie Hamburg concert hall, with its striking facade and cutting-edge acoustics. The red brick warehouses of the 19th-century Speicherstadt complex house the Spice Museum and Miniatur Wunderland model railway. Near the busy Port of Hamburg, historic vessels moored in Sandtor harbor contrast with the upscale residential buildings and hip cafes by the water.” (Google)
KLU is located within walking distance (one subway stop) from Hamburg’s city center.
Important Dates | |
January 31st, 2023 | Registration and abstract submission opening |
March 19th, 2023 | Abstract submission closes |
May 2nd, 2023 | Authors are notified of acceptance |
May 10th, 2023 | Closing date for Early Bird registration |
June 1st, 2023 | Deadline for at least one author being registered for presentation to be included in the program |
June 1st, 2023 | Deadline for the uploading of a revised Abstract (optional) |
July 10th-11th, 2023 | OUI Conference in Hamburg |
Call for Papers
The conference organizers welcome contributions on, but not limited to:
- Track 1: Innovation by Consumers (including individual user innovators, open content creators, contributors to user communities, crowdsourcing, contests, users of toolkits, ...)
- Track 2: User innovation in organizations (including user innovation in the workplace, corporate users, user process innovation, collaboration between external users and producer firms, design of interfaces to users, ...)
- Track 3: Problem-Solving, Idea Creation, and Idea Evaluation (including needs solution pairs, ideation tools and techniques, idea evaluation biases, ...)
- Track 4: Platforms and Ecosystems (including strategies for digital platforms and industry ecosystems, value creation and capture, open-source software and hardware, ...)
- Track 5: Open Innovation (inbound and outbound)
- Track 6: Crowdfunding and User Entrepreneurship (focusing on the transition from user to producer role, financing, commercial success, …)
- Track 7: Institutions, Law, and Policy (including regulatory and political aspects concerning open and user innovation)
- Track 8: OUI for a Better World (including open social innovation, healthcare, sustainability, societal challenges, etc.).
Abstract and Paper Submission
The conference welcomes both short presentations of work in progress and full presentations of polished papers. Abstracts for both kinds of contributions should not exceed 600 words.
For presentations to be included in the program, at least one author needs to have registered by June 1st, 2023.
Kindly use this template for your abstracts: OUI template
Conference Registration
The registration fee includes access to the conference venue and all academic sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, and the conference dinner on July 10th on a boat on the river Elbe.
Conference fees exclude accommodation, travel and any other activities not specified above.
Conference Fees
Early bird fees (valid until May 10th): | |
PhD registration Early Bird | 200,00 € |
Professors / Post Docs registrations Early Bird | 350,00 € |
Regular fees: | |
PhD registration regular | 300,00 € |
Professors / Post Docs registrations regular | 400,00 € |
If you wish to register later than June 30th, please contact Prof. Dr. Christina Raasch

Refund Policy:
The conference organizers will try to accommodate the needs of delegates as much as possible. For organizational reasons, we limit refunds as the conference deadline approaches.
- A refund minus a €100 service fee applies to cancellations communicated before or on June 18th, 2023.
- No refund applies to cancellations communicated after June 18th, 2023.
Accommodation and Travel
KLU is located in the HafenCity, just one subway stop from the Hamburg city center (Jungfernstieg). Our subway stop is Überseequartier, on the U4 line. From the rear of the train, please proceed up the two long escalators, past the playground, and you will find KLU on your right.
To reach KLU from Hamburg Airport, please use the S1 to Central Station (Hauptbahnhof), then change to the U4 towards Elbbrücken for just two stops to Überseequartier. The journey will take approx. 35 minutes.
From Hamburg Central Station, take the U4 line in the direction of Elbbrücken for two stops, to Überseequartier.
You can find more information on the public transport in Hamburg here: public transport system.
The following hotels are suggested to participants:
- Motel One Fleetinsel (scenic 15 minutes’ walk to KLU along the river and past the Elbphilharmonie concert hall).
- PIERDREI Hotel Hamburg HafenCity (5-7 minutes’ walk to KLU).
- Ameron Hotel (5-7 minutes’ walk to KLU)
- JUFA Hotel Hamburg HafenCity (15 minutes’ walk to KLU or very convenient subway access – just one stop from KLU).
You are advised to book accommodation early as Hamburg is a very popular destination in the summer.
Program overview
08.00 – 09.00 Registration, Breakfast
09.00 – 09.30 Welcome
09.30 – 11.00 Plenary 1: OUI and Artificial Intelligence, Chair: Eric von Hippel
With: Johann Füller, Frank Piller, Andrew Torrance, Henrik Leopold
11.00 – 11.30 Break
11.30 – 12.30 Breakout 1:
1A: Crowd-funding and Crowd-voting, Chaired by Christoph Hienerth and Tim Schweisfurth
1B: Idea creation and evaluation I,
Chaired by Lars Bo Jeppesen, Shannon Heald and Eric von Hippel
1C: Innovation communities, Chaired by Nik Franke and Jakob Pohlisch
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Breakout 2:
2A: Innovation incentives in practice, Chaired by Cartsen Schultz
2B: Firm´s interactions with OUI, Chaired by Johann Füller
2C: Innovation ecosystems, Chaired by Joachim Henkel
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 Plenary 2: Economics of OUI, Chair: Christina Raasch
Carliss Baldwinn: The dynamic equilibria underpinning OUI
Jason Potts: von Hippel innovation
Fred Gault and Eric von Hippel: A call to help measure OUI
17:00 – 17:15 Adjourn
18.00 – 22.00 Conference Banquet on boat on the river Elbe
08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast
09.00 – 09.10 Welcome
09.10 – 09.45 Plenary 3: Open content and fan fiction, Chair: Eric von Hippel
Henry Jenkins: Are fans the lead user of the cultural realm?
10.00 – 10.45 Breakout 3:
3A: User innovation in healthcare, Chaired by Moritz Göldner
3B: Institutions, innovation law and policy, Chaired by Andrew Torrance
3C: Open innovation in science, Chaired by Kathleen Diener and Frank Piller
10.45 – 11.15 Break
11.15 – 12.15 Breakout 4:
4A: User Innovation, Chaired by Nik Franke and Jakob Pohlisch
4B: OUI meets sustainability, Chaired by Cornelius Herstatt
4C: Idea creation and evaluation II,
Chaired by Shannon Heald, Lars Bo Jeppesen and Eric von Hippel
12.15 – 13.15 Lunch
13.15 – 14.45 Breakout 5
5A: Ecosystem and open source, Chaired by Carliss Baldwin
5B: Open innovation, Chaired by Frank Piller
5C: Artifical Intelligence in idea creation and evaluation,
Chaired by Shannon Heald, Lars Bo Jeppesen and Eric von Hippel
14.45 – 15.15 Break
15.15 – 16.45 Plenary on the Future of OUI, Chair: Christian Lüthje
16.45 – 17.00 Break
17.00 – 17.30 Community Announcements and Adjourn
Prof. Dr. Christina Raasch
Professor of Digital Economy
Kühne Logistics University - KLU

Kathrin Storm
Head of Event Management
Kühne Logistics University - KLU