Premium Seal for KLU Master's Programs

The Master's programs Global Logistics & Supply Chain Management (GLSCM) and International Management (IMGT) have once again received the premium seal of the accreditation agency FIBAA. The assessment evaluates the KLU Master's programs as excellent and exceeding the quality requirements in the employability of graduates, international orientation, and academic and teaching qualifications of professors.
FIBAA Managing Director Diane Freiberger presented the certificate to Dean of Programs Prof. Christian Barrot and Director of Student Affairs Dr. Marieke Üzüm on November 3.
KLU impresses with the employability of graduates and its internationality
Both reviewed programs received top marks for student support from faculty, career advising/placement services, and alumni activities. The GLSCM additionally received top marks for the criteria positioning of the program in the job market for graduates ("employability"), positioning of the program in the strategic concept of the university, international content, and intercultural aspects.
In more than 20 other criteria, the programs exceed the quality requirements, including advisory services for prospective students, integration of theory and practice, the internationality of students, lecturers, and the content of the program, as well as media and IT equipment for teaching.
A total of 51 criteria classified as relevant were assessed in five categories: Objective of the study program; admission; content, structure, and didactics; academic environment and general conditions; and quality assurance.
Only 16 universities have been awarded the premium seal, including Kühne Logistics University. All of KLU's study programs have the FIBAA premium seal. In total, FIBAA (Foundation of International Business Administration Accreditation) has assessed more than 1,800 study programs.
The FIBAA quality seal is awarded to universities and study programs worldwide for their high quality. Outstanding achievements, especially those with a strategy-based and international profile, are recognized with FIBAA's premium seal. FIBAA is authoritative primarily in German-speaking countries and accredits according to the standards of the German Accreditation Council (Akkreditierungsrat).
About the degree programs
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (M.Sc.) - GLSCM: Future graduates will be specifically prepared for management positions in internationally active companies in the logistics industry. The structure and subject design are based on current issues in logistics and offer two focus areas with the module blocks "Sustainable Management" and "Digital Management". In the Tricontinent Cooperation Program, students spend the second semester at Tongji University (Shanghai/China) and the third semester at the University of Tennessee/Kentucky (Knoxville/USA).
International Management (M.Sc.) - IMGT*: The program focuses on the international issues of business and economics and addresses current topics of digitalization and sustainability. Basic knowledge of leadership strategies and business analysis is extended by marketing skills and global human resources. The two focus areas "Sustainable Management" and "Digital Management" complete the program.
* KLU has restructured the Management Master Program. Starting in fall 2022, students will have the option to obtain a "Master in International Management" with the completion of a master's thesis. Program accreditation is expected in fall 2022 (state recognition still needs to be applied).