Top marks for KLU in the CHE’s University Ranking 2023/24

In the latest ranking released by the Centre for Higher Education (CHE), bachelor’s students consistently awarded KLU (Kühne Logistics University) between four-and-a-half and five stars. As such, the state-certified, Hamburg-based university, which focuses on logistics and management, is once again in the top group Germany-wide. Students particularly praised the support provided by faculty, professional orientation offers, practical relevance, the connection to current research, and the general studying conditions. KLU also scored well in the new category “digital teaching elements.”

“The ranking from our students means a great deal to us. As such, I’m very pleased to see how KLU scored in all categories of the CHE ranking,” says KLU President Andreas Kaplan. “We understand how complex it is today for young people and their families to choose the right university. There are so many choices. Students who choose us get the best of both worlds: KLU offers excellent touch points with business. At the same time, we teach on the basis of the latest research, just as students should expect from an excellent university. You can also count on outstanding support from our professors and our dedicated contact partners in the administration on any questions you have about your studies or life on campus.”
Making professional orientation and practical relevance a priority
Students’ transition into their future careers is considered from the outset: Starting in their first semester, they receive one-on-one coaching from KLU’s Career Services department. Companies regularly visit campus to recruit tomorrow’s experts and managers, while alumni offer advice on career paths. Support with internships is also offered.

Easy access and informal atmosphere
"KLU is a place where I like to study. The short distances, the extensive support from staff and professors, who really care that we fully understand the material and can also apply it, to the friendly and familiar atmosphere, KLU is a university where I get the feeling that I can start my professional life well prepared," says Katharina Fiegen, spokesperson for the student body and student of the Bachelor of Business Administration.
Focus on digital teaching
This year marks the first time that students were asked to rate their satisfaction with digital teaching options. “The digitalization of universities is still comparatively new and made major strides due to the COVID-19 pandemic. KLU used the opportunity to offer its students a top-notch digital infrastructure and digital teaching options,” says KLU President Kaplan.
In this regard, KLU created a service office for digitalization, which offers the faculty support with creating new digital formats. Students enjoy flexible access – digital and hybrid alike – to teaching contents at all times.
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