Other Libraries in Hamburg
Here you find a list of selected Hamburg libraries offering literature on logistics, economics and management. As a student or employee of the KLU you can benefit from their collections. Get a library card and obtain access to their online resources or borrow books and other materials from these libraries.
What do you need to get a library card?
- A valid identity card. If the identity card does not contain an address in Germany, then a passport and a confirmation of residency in Germany (Meldebestätigung) are required as well.
- You should present all documents (ID cards, passports, etc.) as originals.
- In case you lose your library card, report this to the library in question immediately to avoid misuse of your library account and possible costs associated with this.
ZBW – German National Library of Economics
- The German National Library of Economics holds the world’s largest collection on Economics, as well as literature on Business.
- Catalogue: ZBW online catalogue.
- Library card: free (must be renewed annually). Further information can be found here.
Stabi - State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky
- The State and University Library holds a large collection on Economics, Business, Law, Sociology, Politics and Psychology.
- Catalogue: Stabi online catalogue.
- Library card: Students: 20€ / KLU employees: 20€ (annual fee). You can register for a library card online here.
HSU - University Library of the Helmut-Schmidt University
- The Library of the Helmut-Schmidt University holds literature on Business, Economics, Law, Informatics, Military Science, Sociology and Psychology.
- Catalogue: HSU online catalogue.
- Library card: free. You have to register in person at the library, please read more here (DE).
TUHH - University Library of the Hamburg University of Technology
- The University Library of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) holds literature on Engineering Sciences. The library holdings also include a collection of literature on Logistics, Marketing and Management.
- Library card: 20€ (annual fee). You can register for a library card online.
We are glad to help you search the libraries catalogues and inform you about how to register for a library card. Please contact us for more information.