Sequential Distribution of Hedonic Media Products

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sönke Albers (Kühne Logistics University - KLU), Cord Otten (University of Hamburg)

Funded by German Research Foundation (DFG)

Brief description

Hedonic media products (HMP) are mostly published with sequential distribution strategies. For example, motion pictures are typically displayed in movie theatres first before subsequent releases on DVD/ Blue-Ray, video-on-demand and TV. In this research project we explore the interdependencies of company generated contend (“paid media”), user generated content (“earned media”) and sales success, specifically in subsequent distribution channels. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Project purpose

This research project focuses on marketing challenges regarding the management of hedonic media products that emerge in the age of digital social media. The overall objective is to establish profound scienfic knowledge ranging from understanding to application.
Hedonic media products (HMP) are mostly published with sequential distribution strategies. For example, motion pictures are typically displayed in movie theatres first before subsequent releases on DVD/ Blue-Ray, video-on-demand and TV. This strategy allows for product- and price differentiation in order to address varying degrees of willingness-to-pay from customers. Advertising and consumption experience eventually translate into communication in digital social media channels. In this research group we explore the interdependencies of company generated contend (“paid media”), user generated content (“earned media”) and sales success, specifically in subsequent distribution channels.
In particular, we strive to contribute to (a) a better understanding of sequential distribution strategies, (b) the impact of company communication on buzz in digital social media and their combined impact on product success, and (c) on optimal product- and price differentiations of HMP.


Marketing, Creating Value

Project partners

University of Hamburg, University of Münster, University of Cologne, Kühne Logistics University (KLU)

Project Web links

Contact person

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Cord Otten

PHD Researcher