Brief description
Social interactions among customers play a key role in the purchase and consumption process of hedonic media products (HMP) because the quality of HMP is difficult to assess. The emergence and dissemination of digitalsocial media (DSM) substantially change the nature of these interactions. The purpose of this research project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) is to focus on analyzing network structures in DSM. The objective is to model these structures and gain an understanding about how interactions emerge and develop. How and why do network activity affect individuals? What are market reactions to marketing activities in the age of DSM? And how does the DSM impact on firms in the HMP industry?
Project purpose
Hedonic media products (HMP) such as books, computer games or music are of significant economic and societal importance. This research group focuses on research questions regarding the management and marketing of HMP that emerge in the age of digital social media (DSM). The overall objective is to establish profound scienfic knowledge ranging from understanding to application.
Marketing, Creating Value
Project partners
German Research Foundation (DFG), Kühne Logistics University (KLU), University of Hamburg, University of Münster, University of Cologne