FoodDecide - Digital Technologies for Food Safety Decision Support

Prof. Dr. Hanno Friedrich (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

Funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Brief description

The agriculture- and food sector is among the three most important sectors of Montenegro’s economy, contributing a significant share to the Gross Domestic Product (8% in 2018). However due to delays in legal framework activities there has been partial dis-functioning of the food safety system, which lacks the science-based support necessary for the protection of the population’s health. FoodDecide's vision is to develop efficient open source decision support software for Montenegrin food business operators and governmental agencies supporting food safety and disease outbreak investigations.

Project purpose

Full implementation of European food safety legislation is still ongoing in Montenegro. In the current Montenegrin legal framework, it is defined that Montenegrin scientific research institutions should conduct risk assessments and develop the necessary outbreak investigation tools for the food production chain (see Article 11 of the Montenegrin Law on Food Safety). However, so far there have not been any activities in this field due to the lack of adequate capacities, knowledge, and proper networking. This results in partial dis-functioning of the food safety system, lacking the science-based support necessary for the protection of the population’s health. This research aims at developing efficient decision support software for Montenegrin food business operators and governmental agencies supporting food safety and disease outbreak investigations. The newly developed open-source software technologies will also be available for German or European stakeholders. The project builds on research, expertise and resources developed at Kühne Logistics University (KLU) and the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in the domains of opensource software development, algorithm design, and food supply chain modeling. The project partners will jointly extend and adapt the existing technologies to Montenegrin needs. By doing so they will contribute to existing community-driven open-source software projects like FSK-Lab, implement efficient data exchange protocols to connect existing IT or lab systems, and build user-friendly decision support tools.


Food Logistics, Sustainability

Project partners

University of Donja Gorica (UDG), German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)

Project Team

Sarah Joseph, PhD (Kühne Logistics University GmbH), Sandra Rudeloff (Kühne Logistics University - KLU)

Contact person

Profile image

Sandra Rudeloff

PhD Candidate