Brief description
This subproject focuses on the impact of 3D printing on the Circular Economy and regionalization of supply chains. It aims to implement a living lab ("Reallabor") in Hamburg to research the business, supply chain, technical, legal, as well as social effects of decentralized, open, and digital production sites.
Project purpose
With new technologies (e. g. 3D printers) people and companies can produce parts and products on site and on demand. The project partners explore the possibilities and limitations of this open production site on economical and social aspects. This subproject focuses on the impact of 3D printing on the regionalization of supply chains by implementing a living lab to research the business, supply chain, technical, legal, as well as social effects of decentralized, open, and digital production sites in Hamburg. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Defense (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung BMVg).
Creating Value, Infrastructure, Sustainability
Project partners
Helmut Smith University (HSU), Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), HafenCity University (HCU), Bucerius Law School (BLS), Kühne Logistics University (KLU)