Brief description
This project will analyze the role that brand equity information plays on earnings calls. Previous research has demonstrated that earnings calls are an important tool to disclose information to investors and financial analysts that enable them to better judge the future financial development of firms. The DFG-funded project aims at generating a better understanding of which brand equity information is discussed on earnings calls and to what extent it provides valuable information to the financial community.
Project purpose
The first objective of this study is to investigate under which conditions value-relevant brand equity-related content is presented on earnings calls. The second objective is to aggregate the extent of the disclosed brand equity information and to measure its quality. The third objective focuses on financial analysts as a mediator between firms and investors’ reactions. The overall aim is to analyze if financial analysts benefit from brand equity content discussions on earnings calls.
Creating Value
Project partners
University of Cologne, INSEAD, Kühne Logistics University (KLU)