Greeting by Jeff Kirby

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I had made an investment into a supplychain-driven business and needed to learn as much as I could, as quickly as possible, and from the leading experts in the world. As a mature student, in my late 50’s, going back to school was a tiny bit intimidating for me. At KLU, I met people from all over the world and in different parts of the supply chain—a fantastic selection of people of different ages, cultures and career paths.

By the end of the course I really felt that I had a solid grounding in the field, had access to excellent resources at KLU, had made lifelong friends and perhaps most important of all had a tremendous network of supply chain and logistics professionals all over the world—we are still in touch through our chats on a daily basis, sharing career challenges, solutions, making introductions and helping each other.

Jeff Kirby
Summer School 2019