Excellence in Supply Chain Research: KLU Among the Top 3 Universities in Germany

The latest SCM Journal List ranked KLU among the top 3 universities in Germany for Supply Chain Management research. In the ranking of the empirically focused journals, KLU came in 2nd, right after WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management; among the analytically focused journals, KLU came in 3rd, after the University of Cologne and Technical University of Munich.
“This excellent result once more underlines KLU’s outstanding research in logistics and supply chain management,” says University President Prof. Dr. Thomas Strothotte. KLU was the only German university to place among the top three for both empirically and analytically focused journals. “This underscores the diversity of the supply chain management research conducted at KLU, which combines analytical and empirical approaches,” says Prof. Maria Besiou, Dean of Research at KLU.
Europe-wide, KLU placed 5th for empirically focused journals and 14th for analytically focused journals.
The SCM Journal List is an annual ranking that assesses universities’ supply chain management research output in leading journals. Based on publications released in the prior five years (this year: 2016-2020), the annual ranking is divided into two categories: empirically focused journals (Decision Sciences, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of Operations Management, and Journal of Supply Chain Management) and primarily analytically focused journals (Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Management Science, Operations Research, and Production and Operations Management).
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