Database Management
Degree program: MSc Business Analytics and Data Science
This module focuses on the design, implementation, and management of relational databases. Students will learn about the entity-relationship model and acquire proficiency in SQL, a widely used database query language. The module covers topics such as database design, normalization, indexing, and transaction management. Students will gain practical experience in working with databases and understand the importance of data integrity and security. Through hands-on exercises and projects, students will learn to design efficient and robust database schemas that capture business requirements and support effective data management. They will acquire the skills to write complex SQL queries, optimize database performance, and ensure data consistency. By mastering database management, students will be equipped to handle and extract valuable insights from large-scale datasets, facilitating informed decision-making.
Course facts
Offered by | Prof. Dr. Asvin Goel |
ECTS credits | 5 Credit Points |
Tracks | Standard Track, Fast Track |
Method of examination | 100% Project Work |