KLU Corporate Sponsorship
An excellent opportunity for your talent development, recruitment or retention efforts
Are you looking for your next Business Analytics & Data Science Manager? Or your next Supply Chain Manager? Look no more because we might have a solution for you. Through corporate sponsorship, KLU offers companies the opportunity to support talented students individually by connecting them with specialists at an early stage. You sponsor an individual KLU student from the beginning to the end of their studies at KLU by paying their tuition fees.
In fostering students’ talent, you benefit from their fresh knowledge and innovative approaches directly, e.g. through practical projects and master’s theses. It is a simple, yet efficient way to secure the top talent and skillsets you need for your business success today and tomorrow.
By recommending and presenting successful applicants for the corporate sponsorship program to the funding company, KLU connects the individuals with their corporate sponsor. The sponsor has the possibility to nurture their candidate already through offering the standard three-months internship, the capstone project, or the master thesis in close collaboration.
Ideally, sponsored students will join your company upon graduation, making this an excellent recruiting tool. However, corporate sponsorship can also be used as a retention tool if you wish to further qualify high potentials among your employees by sending them to a full time or part-time KLU program.
Corporate partners who commit to sponsoring one or more students receive a special commitment discount on regular tuition. An example investment for a single sponsored student in a master's program is thus only €1,000/month for 24 months (2025-2027).
You are interested in our Corporate Sponsorship option and want to learn more? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. For more information (in German or English), please contact:
Christoph Kiese
Solutions & Development Principal Executive Education