The aftermarket challenge
On December 4th, 2013 Professor Henk Zijm will give a lecture on the topic "The aftermarket challenge". The lecture is open to the public. Space is limited, so please register ahead of time.
Past event — 4 December 2013
Spoken language

Prof. Henk Zjim
Director of Science, Professor in Production and Supply Chain Management
Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (DINALOG)
Many companies, in particular those producing and delivering highly capital-intensive equipment and products, have realized that the value they can provide to their customer ultimately depends on how they support the customer’s operational processes. For the customer, the operational functionality and performance of the product determines its ultimate value, and hence a well-thought service system is often required. As a consequence, attention more and more shifts from costs of acquisition to Total Cost of Ownership, and hence to integrated support during the life cycle of the product or system. Indeed, more and more companies start to realize that selling spare parts and after sales services, conducting repairs, installing upgrades, reconditioning equipment, carrying out inspections and day-to-day maintenance, and offering technical support can be be a great source of revenues and profits, next to manufacturing. In this presentation, we outline the importance of servitization and discuss conditions and pitfalls when entering the service market. Examples from projects carried out at DINALOG will be briefly discussed.
Presenter: Professor Henk Zijm (Director of Science, Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (DINALOG) / Chair of Production and Supply Chain Management, University of Twente)
Prof. W.H.M. (Henk) Zijm (1952) is Director of Science of the Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (DINALOG) and full Professor in Production and Supply Chain Management at the University of Twente, the Netherlands (since 1990). Prior to his academic career, he worked eight years as Senior Project Manager at Philips Electronics. He has been a Consultant to a large number of companies worldwide. Between 2005 and 2009, he served four years as Rector Magnificus (Vice-Chancellor) of the University of Twente. He has published more than 120 articles in international refereed scientific journals and is the (Co-)author of two books. Professor Zijm is also a past President of ISIR (the International Society for Inventory Research, Budapest).
More about Professor Henk Zijm
To register please send an email to: melanie.winkelmann(at)
The Lecture Series
The KLU Lecture Series is a forum for scientists and practitioners to talk and discuss on state-of-the art topics related loosely to logistics and entrepreneurship.